Instagram should continue to allow users to reshare posts on stories
Midway staff
Disabling this feature is harmful to businesses and other individuals who rely on organic sharing of posts, writes city life co-editor Krishita Dutta.
March 12, 2021
Once Instagram announced in late January that it was considering disabling the ability for users to share posts from their feed into their stories, users and activism accounts began to express concerns because so many small businesses, creators, artists and organizations rely on growing their platforms when followers reshare their posts.
Instagram must comply with its users’ wishes and allow them to continue resharing posts to their story.
Disabling this feature is harmful to businesses and other individuals who rely on organic sharing of posts, especially since most small platforms can’t afford to pay for advertising.
Instagram has also recently turned into a platform to spread awareness about movements and to educate people on issues primarily through the function of resharing informational posts to stories, which would come to a halt if this feature were to be disabled. If Instagram gets rid of the feature, the spread of petitions, informational posts, and activism accounts would slow down.
Many small platforms heavily rely on their followers to promote their accounts, and getting rid of this feature would not only put them at an unfair disadvantage but would hinder Instagram users’ ability to gain information from the app.
Instead of disabling the feature to decrease the spam on stories, Instagram should set a limit on the number of posts that can be up on a person’s story at a time.