Semester discussion involves student voice

Max Garfinkel, Business Manager

 The administration has created working groups that will incorporate student voice into the transition from quarters to semesters. The first meeting was held March 7 during fifth period, and weekly meetings will continue. 

Members will work with Student Council but also hope to incorporate students voices that are not from Student Council, according to Dean of Teaching and Learning Noah Rachlin. 

Mr. Rachlin said, “We need to think critically about how we include student voice at multiple stages throughout the process.” 

Student Council has been involved in the creation of this working group and plans to help get other students to join it. 

All-School President Shiva Menta said, “We will be making sure that student voice is maintained and prioritized through this process.” 

Mr. Rachlin explained that the goal of the working group is to answer any questions that will come up during the transition while balancing priorities of the administration, students and teachers. 

Mr. Rachlin said, “I hope we are able to transition to something that the community feels across both in the immediate and the long term as a positive impact to the school across a wide range of dimensions.”