Student and faculty react to Beekmeyer leaving

February 17, 2023

Reacting to the Feb. 3 announcement that Principal Paul Beekmeyer would be leaving U-High at the end of the school year, students and faculty alike expressed their support.

Christy Gerst, history: 

“I am disappointed. He was the perfect principal for U-High, deeply devoted to the issue of student empowerment of their workload with the new revisions of the Program of Studies as well as his commitment to valuing multiple, scholarly perspectives while at the same time honoring diversity, equity and inclusion as the perfect embodiment of that commitment to each and every student. ” 

Tori Jueds, director:

“I know we will all miss Mr. Beekmeyer very much, and I will personally miss him as well. I think he has been a great leader of the University High School, and I’m sorry that he’s leaving, but I’m also always excited for somebody when they find the next thing that, in this case, I think really suits him and his family as well as what he wants to do. So, that’s why it’s sort of bittersweet.”

Daniel Bobo-Jones, science:

“I wish the best for him, and he’s been, hands down, the best principal I’ve ever worked with”

Laura Doto, learning coordinator and faculty co-chair: 

“I’m grateful for the stability that he’s provided over the last three years in terms of leadership, sorry to see him go, and I’m looking forward to the next face.”

Grace LaBelle, ninth grade:

“I feel like I didn’t have enough time to get to know him because I’m a freshman, but I feel like he sets good examples. I like him because he’s calm and he’s well rounded. I think he’s really grounded and he’s grounded to what he does, and he really focuses on being a principal and the good of the students.”

Mahi Shah, junior:

“Mr. Beekmeyer has always been really supportive of the debate program, so I’m sad that he’s leaving because he’s always encouraged all of us to keep pushing and motivating us and he’s always shown us that he really cares about the program.”

Vincent Zhang, senior: 

I was extremely upset to hear the news, and I think the school will not be the same without him. I just think he’s done a great job on the administrative part, and just keeping the school organized and all that.”

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