Sam Pastor: Candidate for Class of 2024 president
What new ideas would you bring to the table? What is your main goal?
My main goal is to restore the student body’s faith in a Student Council that represents them. I would do this with two keywords: visibility and transparency. I will make visible changes throughout the school and slowly but surely eradicate minor inconveniences that should have been fixed years ago, such as most bathroom stall doors not locking. I want to be more transparent about what Student Council does daily so people feel adequately represented by their elected officials.
What experiences and skills make you a good candidate for this role?
I hold multiple leadership roles throughout many clubs, such as Chess Club and Diplomacy Club. On top of this, I have been a proud member of the Lab community for the past decade, and I understand what grievances many students at Lab face. I would be a good candidate because I am ready and eager to make change and always have open ears to what the people have to say.
How will you serve as a voice for students and act as a liaison between students, faculty and the administration?
As stated previously, I would focus on transparency between Student Council and the student body. I would do this by improving communication on social media accounts, as well as creating a physical board somewhere in the school that details what we do at every meeting. I would act as a voice for students by taking every suggestion into consideration, as well as addressing concerns and problems students face. I will also try to open a suggestions box that people can anonymously submit ideas to.