In the Neighborhood: Quinn Smith

She grips the leash firmly as she walks her dog, Cocoa. Leisurely, she strolls on the familiar sidewalks and through the grassy yards of Hyde Park. She is accompanied by a familiar sound of boisterous laughter from a group of cherished neighbors. 

Quinn Smith is an integral member of a neighborhood dog-walking group. Forming this group has helped get rid of anxiety in her life. This habit that started during the pandemic snowballed into a consistently expanding group of more than 30 members.

Since then, she walks Cocoa for three hours daily with the group.

But Quinn Smith is also an electrical engineer and entrepreneur. She started her own software development business to help local businesses on the South Side, the same neighborhood she grew up in. She talks with her growing team on the phone and works with clients to make a difference in the community. Recently, she started working from home.

“I have a different world that exists online,” she said.

She breaks up her time during the busy day by walking Cocoa. Something that has been extremely effective for her when managing the stress of running a business. After the pandemic, these two groups have been essential for Quinn. 

She strives to be a part of her community in any way she can, in both work and leisure. She strives to be the difference in the lives of those around her.

Now, she is working on raising money with others to get a dog park approved a few blocks away. A space she hopes can be built for the community to come together. A long-shot. A space that combines the joys of walking her dog and socialization that has meant so much to her. And to others. 

Her friend said it would change her life —  and her dog’s life. Quinn knew before she even spoke.

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