Students can share passions, experiences at open mic
Midway Staff
The Social Justice Committee will host an open mic on Feb. 3 at 10:15 a.m. in Blaine S201.
January 31, 2022
The Social Justice Committee will host an open mic on Feb. 3 at 10:15 a.m. in Blaine S201 for students to share a talent, experience or something they are passionate about.
Anybody can show up and perform, but there is a Google Form that interested students should fill out. A QR code to the form is posted around U-High.
According to Natalie Hultquist, a co-leader of the Social Justice Committee, the performances were originally going to have to be related to social justice, but the committee has decided to welcome any presentations that students want to share. Examples of presentations include poems, songs or skits.
“As long as the students are sharing something that they made or it’s important to them, we’re creating a space for the students to maybe, like, relieve some tension and stress at the end of the semester,” Natalie said. “We’re starting to find a way that students can speak up about social justice-related issues that they’re passionate about, or just share parts of their identity and what makes them who they are.”