Quick Q: Winter Olympics
Beijing 2022 Olympics
This year’s Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing from Feb. 4-20. Members of the U-High community shared what they are most looking forward to watching.
February 7, 2022
What are you most looking forward to watching in the Winter Olympics?

“I like watching the half pipe a lot, I always found that one really interesting, I guess watching the tricks they do, I feel like there’s a lot of potential that people can work with for the half pipe.”
— Spencer McKula, senior

“I’m most looking forward to snowboarding, just because I remember really admiring Shaun White in the last Winter Olympics, and also ice skating because I feel like ice skating is just a really beautiful sport.”
— Kara Tao, senior

“I’m looking forward to watching people ski because it seems like a sport that requires a lot of balance and a lot of motion and a lot of technique to be able to do well, and watching their technique in the craft they’ve put is very inspiring.”
— Alp Demirtas, senior

“I’m most looking forward to watching ice skating, bobsledding and skiing. I like how beautiful ice skating looks; I think it’s really graceful, and I think it’s really interesting how talented they are to be able to do what they do.”
— Anika Gupta, junior

“The opening ceremony’s always really nice because each country does it so differently and they integrate their own culture into the opening ceremony.”
— Sara Kumar, junior

“Probably skiing and snowboarding. I go snowboarding on some winter vacations and it’s just exciting to see skilled snowboarders do their work.”
— Austin Kim, sophomore

“I’ve always watched skiing with my family–the long jump. I always found that interesting because people are gliding through the air. I always found that kind of cool. I’ve always had an affinity for skydiving and skiing, so I feel like that’s a cool combination of the both of them.”
— Cameron Grant, sophomore

“I am most looking forward to figure skating as I myself am a figure skater. I am excited to watch Kamila Valieva since she is favored to win and I have been watching her for a long time.”
— Brianna Chang, 9th grade

“I’m looking forward to watching the hill skiing. I think that’s real good because I like to see how those guys come down and I’ve been watching that for a long time.”
— Terry Shanks, Staff

“I thought [the giant slalom] was the most interesting in terms of physical abilities, because you have to have power, endurance, very strong legs, also a lot of flexibility in your knees because they have to bend so much. But when you have to do it for a very long time, it requires incredible physical preparation and stamina.”
— Javier Saez, Physics teacher