Midway Staff

Alex Giles

What has been the highlight of the season so far?

“I think the highlight of my season so far was probably scoring my career high of 20 points. At first I missed like every single shot in the first quarter, but as soon as I let go of the fear that I had, I was able to do anything”

What do you feel your role has been within the team?

“I think as a point guard it’s kinda my job to lead the team. Especially like attitude, though, I feel like my attitude affects how people play. So I feel like coming to practice with a good attitude, it makes you know it’s going to be a good day.” 

What are your goals for the season?

“My goal for the season is to just improve, not just as an individual but like collectively as a group. Find a way to work with each other so at the end we are an even better team.”

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