
February 14, 2023

Birth Control Pill: 93% effective

Birth control pills are pills taken daily that release the pregnancy-preventing hormones estrogen, progestin, or both. These hormones prevent ovulation, meaning there is no egg for sperm to fertilize.


The pills will need to be prescribed by a health care provider with doses being covered by most insurance, but some insurance plans may only cover certain brands or types of pills.

Side Effects

The side effects may include light bleeding, bloating, weight gain and higher blood pressure. 

Birth control pills do not prevent diseases transmitted through sex.

Birth Control Implant: 99% effective

The birth control implant, also known as Nexplanon, is a thin rod inserted into the arm by a medical professional. The implant will release the progestin hormone that prevents pregnancy by thickening mucus around the cervix, preventing sperm from getting in. 

Side Effects

Side effects may include headaches, weight gain, ovarian cysts, nausea and breast pain, but these might be different for everyone. 


The implant is covered by most insurance plans and Medicaid, but without insurance the implant could cost more than $1,000. 

IUD: 99% effective

An intrauterine device is a T-shaped piece of plastic that is inserted into the uterus by a health care provider. There are two types of IUDs, hormonal and copper. Hormonal IUDs release the progestin hormone that prevents pregnancy, while copper IUDs are wrapped in a thin copper wire which creates an inflammatory reaction that is toxic to sperm and eggs. 

Side Effects

The side effects for a hormonal IUD may include cramping a few days after it is put in, spotting or light bleeding, and irregular periods. The side effects for a copper IUD are heavier cramps and bleeding during periods. 


An IUD is covered by most insurance plans and Medicaid but without insurance could range between $500 and $1,300. 

Birth Control Patch: 93% effective

The birth control patch is a small, almost sticker-like, patch that you place on the upper arm, back or stomach that a person replaces once a week. The patch releases estrogen and progestin that prevent ovulation, which prevents the sperm from meeting the egg. 


A prescription is needed to get the patch, and prices vary on insurance. One pack comes with three patches that lasts for around a month. One pack can be covered by insurance but without insurance it will cost around $150. 

Side Effects

The side effects can include headaches, light bleeding and skin irritations where the patch is placed. 

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