Aiden Yu, the newly elected ninth grade class president, addresses his classmates during his election speech on Sept. 28 in Griffin Auditorium.
The Class of 2027 elected Aiden Yu as class president, Saanika Dutta as vice president, and Suna Choi-Hortaçsu and Nadia Washington as Cultural Union representatives on Sept. 29.
Voting closed at 3:30 p.m, with an election turnout of 86%. On Sept. 28, the Class of 2027 gathered in Griffin Auditorium to hear election speeches from all of the candidates.
Aiden looks forward to bringing new changes to Student Council to make the ninth grade experience more enjoyable.
“I have many ideas. I want to make independent studies available for ninth graders,” Aiden said. “And I also want to allow ninth graders to leave the building during free periods, because I know a lot of people want to leave the building.”