What sort of ideas, projects or initiatives do you have for next year? What is your main goal?
“My main goal overall is to continue this path of improvement that we’ve been working on as the Student Council for like the Homecoming and Spring Fling dances. I listened to a lot of students and they said that they’ve liked we’ve worked on music and they liked a lot of stuff that we did with the recent Spring Fling, like the cotton candy machines. I want to continue the spirit that comes with those dances. We’re hitting like new records with every dance, and I want to give students even more of a voice when it comes to those events by putting out surveys before and hearing different ideas about these big decisions that we are making as Student Council. I think there should be more sort of transparency with the process, maybe not just giving people just like a few choices to pick from.”
What experiences and skills make you qualified for this position?
I’ve been on Student Council for the past three years, and I was also on the middle school Student Council for a year. I’ve been doing stuff like this for a long time. I’ve been working closely with Cultural Union presidents, who in the past have planned some of these all-school events. I’ve been hearing their advice. I’ve also worked on the planning for these smaller class events with our grade as well, so I’m very familiar with the Student Council event planning that comes with being the Cultural Union president.”
How do you plan on being the middleman at the intersection of high school students, faculty and administration?
“I’m going to try and make it known that I’m always available for people to talk to me, knowing I can bring those ideas to Ms. Campos, who works closely with the students. I’ve had long meetings with her before about similar events in the past, and I’m definitely going to do that. I’ll be bringing my knowledge of the student voice to those meetings with Ms. Campos and possibly extending that further to other faculty as well. If I get elected, I’ll try to use these forms and bring those responses of what I’ve heard from people to those meetings. The whole student body is represented through me in those meetings.”