What sort of ideas, projects or initiatives do you have for next year? What is your main goal?
“Lab offers a diverse plethora of clubs, which are all funded by the same funding system that I believe to be ancient, impersonal and slow. It’s extremely ineffective in the delivery process to each club, which limits student-led events, activities and school spirit and the community in general. If elected, I would keep in constant communication with the club leaders and the faculty members to remind them of due dates, how to submit forms and what forms you need to submit on. I also want to have a meeting sign-up so I can go over their proposals and they can get real-time personalized feedback. I just want to have more transparency. I believe the treasury needs to have more transparency because it’s the community’s money. I just want everyone to know where the money is, how it’s being spent, and how much is available.”
What experiences and skills make you qualified for this position?
“I’m currently treasurer of four clubs, and I’ve had multiple years of experience. So I feel like I have a solid understanding of the funding system and I see its defects. I also have experience in and out of the classroom with things like numbers math and computation. Even though I have the technical experience to do this work, I’m also extremely motivated because this issue about the clubs and the funding is something I feel very strongly about.”
How do you plan on being the middleman at the intersection of high school students, faculty and administration?
“I feel like Student Council is super important because it hears the students’ voices, and then brings them to the faculty to make real change. So I think something that is key that needs to happen is full transparency on both sides. I want to have a feedback form on how things are going too. I want it so anyone can sign up for an appointment to let me know how I’m doing or if there’s something they want change, and I really want to be super active in sending out emails to club leaders, the community, faculty members, because once again, like I strongly believe the Student Council is essential in creating change based on like the community’s voices for the next generation.”