What sort of ideas, projects or initiatives do you have for next year? What is your main goal?
“My main goal and running is really just to engage a little bit more with the community. I’ve been a part of it for so long that I felt like I should do something in return. But some of my main things I would want to focus on would be environmental conservation efforts within the school, reducing waste. So one of the things I was thinking about was working on a composting initiative. I believe we have a compost bin in Kenwood Mall that could be co-opted for that. Beyond there, I also was thinking of peer tutoring/mentoring programs to make peer tutoring a little bit more accessible for students, especially younger students entering the high school. I figured it could be a little bit more on a case-by-case basis, but it would work similarly to the high schoolers tutoring middle schoolers program, just to facilitate it through a specific group.”
What experiences and skills make you qualified for this position?
“I think that I’m a very curious person. I would be open to taking student feedback into consideration and for working out creative ways to implement solutions to things that students are concerned about. I’m a very collaborative person. I work with other people in Science Olympiad very frequently. Also I have a couple of leadership positions in National Youth Science Journal, so I have some experience organizing things. And then also next year I’m going to be leading bio club as well. So mainly it’s more science-focused stuff, but I do have some leadership experience.”
How do you plan on being the middleman at the intersection of high school students, faculty and administration?
“Fundamentally as a member of Student Council, I would be taking student feedback and communicating it to faculty. I would want to make that a lot easier for people. I know we have a student feedback form. I think it’s a little bit less accessible for people just because people don’t check on the website too often. So I would like to publicize that a little bit more, make sure people know what’s out there. And then hopefully, people feel more comfortable coming to fellow students to communicate concerns about anything that’s going on within the school, any concerns that they have that they feel the administration should address. I feel it would be helpful to work it out with fellow Student Council members, and communicate it to the administration in a very regimented, organized way so that we can work through a solution.”