The Student News Site of University of Chicago Laboratory High School

U-High Midway

The Student News Site of University of Chicago Laboratory High School

U-High Midway

The Student News Site of University of Chicago Laboratory High School

U-High Midway

Midway will be taking a break over the summer
After reminiscing with fond memories, Class of 2024 graduates in Rockefeller Chapel

Sailing season wrap up: Team placed 4th at state

Clara Blucher
The sailing team clinched first at the May Madness Regatta, fourth at the Illinois State Championships, and individual victories in its last season as a U-High sport.

In what has turned out to be the sailing team’s final season as a U-High sport, the team placed first overall at the May Madness Regata on May 12, and placed fourth in the Illinois State Championships on May 18. Individually, Cruise Lickerman and Simon Vaang won first at the Grosse Ile Open Great Lakes Qualifier during the fall season Oct. 14-15, 2023, and the team went on to place 11th at the Great Lakes Championship Oct. 21-22.

Co-captains Lydia Frost and Jack Colyer led the sailing team this season. Jack thinks the team rebounded from the loss of multiple seniors and a junior.

“I think we did a good job, kind of, everyone stepping up and stepping into that role,” Jack said. “Going from a lot of people that never actually competed to now having to compete every weekend.”

Lydia is proud of the girls team for breaking the Top 10 during a national competition during the fall. Lydia and Jack utilized the winter offseason to help prepare new team members for race days. 

“In the winter, we also ran what we call ‘Team Race Tuesday Talks,’ which I think was a great contribution to the team, because it allowed us to continue thinking about sailing,” Lydia said.

Next year the sailing team will become a club sport, but Jack and Lydia are still fighting for sailing to remain a varsity sport.

“We’re pushing right now to try and maintain the varsity title,” Jack said, “and stay under the organization of the athletics department.”

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Declan Smith
Declan Smith, Reporter
Declan Smith is a member of the Class of 2027 and a beginning reporter. He started writing during the 2023-24 school year as a ninth grader. Declan is interested in genealogy and participates in the Lab Robotics team. Awards: 2023 Journalism Education Association National Student Media Contests, Boston convention: Excellent, yearbook copy/caption: student life

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