The form for students to apply to be a counselor for Summer Lab will be open for rising 10th through 12th graders and recent graduates until Feb. 17 at 9 p.m.
Summer Lab is a day camp during the summer available to Lab students, non-Lab students and international students. Counselors will be committed to working from June 23 through Aug. 1 with holiday breaks on June 19 and July 4.
Counselors will work with kids from ages 3 to 14 and are expected to arrive on time and in the proper attire. The pay rate for each position begins at $16.50 an hour.
Three training dates are required for all counselors who are selected: June 17 (virtual), 18 (onsite) and 20 (onsite).
“We are looking for students that will take this experience seriously,” Dominique Isaac, associate director of family life programs, said. “This is not a fluff job. This is not a job where you’re just sitting on the side. You are here in the nitty gritty with all the blood, sweat and tears — and water balloons that maybe come with a summer camp program.”
She said that students who are excited to work with kids, able to push themselves and navigate difficult situations should consider applying. She stressed that counselors will be expected to help everyone feel included and heard.
“The camp counselors are the people who keep the kids coming back over and over again,” Ms. Isaac said.