Cifu, Carrigan to lead Student Council Executive Board

Audrey Matzke, Assistant Editor

In an election May 3, students elected all-school officers in contested elections: Constantin Carrigan, vice president; Gershon Stein, secretary and Jeremy Ng, treasurer.

They join unopposed candidates elected to all-school office: Ben Cifu, president; Kepler Boonstra, Cultural Union president and Ava Kucera, CU vice president.

Ben has been president of the Class of 2020 during both his sophomore and junior years.

“I’m really excited to have won and to have the opportunity to serve the student body,” Ben said. “I hope that students will feel comfortable coming to me with any issues and that I will be able to successfully resolve them and improve the school for everyone.”

The Class of 2020 officers are Donna Tong, president; Nikhil Patel, vice president; Emily Zhang and Elanor Skish, Cultural Union representatives.

The Class of 2021 officers are Omar Siddiqui, president; Eliza Doss, vice president; Noor Asad and Destiney Williamson, Cultural Union representatives.

The Class of 2022 officers are Asha Bahroos, president; Zachary Gin, vice president; Hein An Ngo and Saul Arnow, Cultural Union representatives.

Students also voted on amendments to the school constitution, but results were not available.

The school-wide turnout was 92.5%, according to information released by the Student Council. Percentages of each grade voting are: freshmen, 87.5%; sophomores, 93.6%; juniors, 96.7%.