What you can do

December 13, 2019

Volunteer at your sophomore service site: 

Every junior and senior has already established a relationship with local organizations that they worked with only a year or two ago. If you don’t want to go back to your service site, or it’s far away, there are plenty in the neighborhood that are always looking for volunteers, like Strive Tutoring and the Hyde Park Refugee Project. 

Participate in student service projects : 

The Wildlife Conservation Club hosted its first beach clean-up on Friday Dec. 6, where members picked up litter from the 57th Street Beach. Students can join in future beach by contacting senior Joana Rose. 

Donate to local shelters or participate in supply drives:  

There are plenty of ways to give back right here at Lab. Food, clothing and other supply drives are often taking place, so keep an eye out for the donation boxes located in the U-High lobby. If a drive isn’t currently going on, take extra clothes to Encore Resale Clothing, located at 1553 E. Hyde Park Blvd, Goodwill or the Salvation Army.

Help with the little things:  

If you see trash, pick it up. Perform a random act of kindness and make someone’s day better. 

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