Senior Class receives sizable anonymous bonus for prom

Odysseas Nikas

Students come together for prom at navy pier June 8, 2019.

An Ngo, Reporter

The Senior Class will receive a $4,000 bonus toward the prom because 90% of students in the class donated to Lab’s scholarship fund. The initiative organized by the alumni relations and development office encouraged students by setting participation benchmarks where the donations of the students would be met with donations toward their prom.

The donation is from an anonymous group of parents.

The Prom Committee has been heavily fundraising since the end of their junior year and has raised around $3,000, making the $4,000 donation significant.

“More than money, it’s getting people to start thinking about what their impact can be and how their money is in a way like their vote — it’s how they can choose to make a difference,” Emily Zhang, chair of the Prom Committee, said. 

While the primary goal of the effort was to raise money for scholarships, school officials, as well as the Prom Committee, also wanted students to think about their philanthropy. The three donation benchmarks were measured by participation, not by the sum of donations. The benchmarks were at 30% to earn $1,000, 60% to earn $2,000, and 90% to earn $4000..

The initiative ran Feb. 18-21 and met its second goal of 60% participation by Feb. 21. The committee received an extension to the end of the day Feb. 24..

Prom will be June 6.