Social justice clubs collaborating to raise awareness

Tea Tamburo, Reporter

Three clubs are joining forces to raise awareness about child marriage and inequality by showing clips from “Girl Rising” followed by a discussion March 10 during open time in C121.

“Girl Rising” is a documentary film that tells real stories to highlight the importance of education, human rights and equality. 

Save the Children Action Network, Intersectional Feminism Club and GirlUp are organizing the event around their common missions.

SCAN’s mission is to be an advocate for children, according to Co-President Macy Beal.

“I think we, as a Lab community, we have a lot of prejudice, and we have a lot of sexist surrounding issues, and there’s always more room to improve,” Macy said. “Our goal is to continue improving the Lab community by raising awareness, but also explaining to them what may be the main point of this movie is, and getting people to come together.”