Debate team achieves mixed results at tournaments
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Juniors Brent Pennington and Aaron Kim won triple octafinals at the Kentucky tournament, which had 134 teams.
September 25, 2020
The debate team won a virtual competition sponsored by the University of Kentucky Sept. 12-14 but lost one sponsored by Greenhill School in Texas Sept. 17-21.
Juniors Brent Pennington and Aaron Kim won triple octafinals at the Kentucky tournament, which had 134 teams. The pair won 4-2 and were qualified to advance to eliminations based on their preliminary record which determines their seeding. This is Brent’s first year debating on varsity.
Sonny Patel, the team’s coach, said that while the virtual conferences are much different, the team is still very focused.
“The rigor of the competition has not gone down at all,” Dr. Patel said. “The style of debate, which is, like, done at speed 450 words per minute, has not slowed down, and so a strong internet connection is really necessary in order for you to pick up words that fast and understand what’s happening.”
The team also sent Aaron and junior Jada Nix to the competition in Greenhill, which, according to Dr. Patel, was much smaller and therefore much harder. They lost 2-4.
The U-High team is attending two virtual competitions on Sept. 26, which will be the first time the team will compete at two locations at the same time.