SET seeks student submissions for virtual production
Traditionally, SET receives and distributes submission forms in a colorful box located in the Sherry Lansing Theater. This year, the entire process and subsequent production will be conducted remotely.
November 20, 2020
The Student Experimental Theater board is accepting content submissions and crew applications for the February virtual production. Nov. 30 is the deadline to submit scripts, dances and musical pieces from which the board will select the lineup.
Students may submit early to receive feedback from the student board before finalizing their work.
“The board will go through them, and we’ll pick the ones that we think work the best together and ones that will flow well and are just, like, generally the best pieces,” junior Inga Domenick, head of the S.E.T. board, said
Members of the crew will take the responsibilities of editing the performance recording and making title cards.
Auditions for parts will take place after winter break. Rehearsals will be held virtually.
Considering past experiences with virtual rehearsals, Inga said incomplete attendance has been one of the main struggles.
While in-person rehearsals allow for more individual work with cast members, virtual rehearsals will still proceed with students practicing their lines and running through the script, according to Inga.
However, they will be inevitably different due to the limitations of distance learning.
“When you’re acting on stage, there’s a lot of opportunity for lots of different motion,” Inga said, “but on Zoom, we try to keep it within this box here and then we have people film on their phones.”