Student Council plans events to connect students after senior retreat cancellation
Midway staff
The senior retreat scheduled for February 2021 was canceled due to the spread of COVID-19 and the University of Chicago’s health guidelines, but the Class of 2021 Student Council plans to organize opportunities for the class to connect.
December 16, 2020
Members of the Class of 2021 didn’t get a junior retreat last spring, and they won’t have a retreat this year either.
The senior retreat scheduled for February 2021 was canceled due to the spread of COVID-19 and the University of Chicago’s health guidelines, but the Class of 2021 Student Council plans to organize opportunities for the class to connect.
Senior retreat typically includes a weekend of outdoor activities in and around Galena, Illinois, and serves as a time for seniors to bond before the school year ends and they graduate.
“I was one of the first to know about the cancellation, and it was definitely a bummer, but I wasn’t surprised,” said Kara Xu, senior Cultural Union representative. “With COVID, I wasn’t expecting to have a retreat.”
Senior Class President Antonio Gracias reacted to the cancelation in a similar way.
“I think it’s especially kind of a bummer for the seniors because we didn’t get our junior retreat last year either, which is really about connecting with everybody throughout the grade,” Antonio said, “and this one was supposed to be more fun, so it’s kind of a big bummer.”
Ana Campos, dean of students, said class retreats are an important part of U-High’s social-emotional and academic program and are specifically designed to fit the goals of each grade. The senior retreat was scheduled to happen after seniors had submitted their college applications and would begin their last semester at U-High.
“It’s one of the last times that we can bring an entire grade together and the whole point of it is bonding,” Ms. Campos said. “And so all of the activities and events we do are all about creating memories, creating connections because it’s one of the last all-grade events they will have.”
In an effort to create class connections, Antonio said Student Council is working to find alternate ways for the class to connect. A class Discord server was set up to create the experience of the senior lounge, something many students have missed.
Along with the Discord server, Student Council is working on different types of events, such as live chess tournaments, virtual events during the Oscars and Super Bowl and are hoping to plan an in person event closer to May Project.
“Just because we can’t be together in the usual way doesn’t mean that we cant still try to be together, even for now if it has to be virtual, or even if later on it can be in person,” Ms. Campos said. “We can’t let COVID take everything from us; we have to still honor and celebrate traditions and accomplishments in whatever way we can.”