Science Summer Link set not to proceed due to university restrictions

Elliott Taylor

The science Summer Link program is still not set to proceed as administrators from the University of Chicago have maintained their prohibition of individuals under 18 from entering university labs due to the coronavirus.

Ryan Clark, Assistant Editor

The science Summer Link program is still not set to proceed as administrators from the University of Chicago have maintained their prohibition of individuals under 18 from entering university labs due to the coronavirus.

According to science teacher Sharon Housinger, who leads the science SummerLink program, university administrators have rejected requests to remove the restrictions for Summer Link interns, although she is still awaiting the opportunity to have a formal discussion about the restrictions with university officials.

“I’ve been trying to get them to make an exception for Lab,” Ms. Housinger said. “That’s unlikely, but I’m still trying.”

While the program cannot currently proceed, she said that it is still possible that university officials could later grant an exception for U-High students.