Week of testing identifies dozens of COVID-19 cases in Lab community
A total of 144 Lab students and employees tested positive for COVID-19 or reported a positive test after the first week of SHIELD saliva testing from Jan. 3-7.
January 12, 2022
After the first week of SHIELD saliva testing from Jan. 3-7, a total of 144 Lab students and employees tested positive for COVID-19 or reported a positive test, with six other employees and students identified as close contacts.
During the baseline test held Jan. 3-4, 2,219 tests were performed and 86 individuals tested positive — a rate of around 4%.
Then, during the first surveillance test Jan. 6-7, 43 more individuals confirmed positive out of 2,170 tests.
The testing results show an overall increase of 19 positive cases from the week of Dec. 26-31, where 125 Lab members self-reported testing positive over winter break.
However, nurse Lori Waterstraat believes Lab’s numbers are relatively low and reflect a strong commitment to keeping the school community safe.
“Our numbers are far below our city’s numbers. I think that’s a reflection of our community as a whole,” she said. “It shows that people are taking COVID-19, this omicron variant, seriously and wearing masks and distancing to the best of their ability to keep people safe.”
She urges anyone who feels symptoms of COVID-19 to stay home and take any necessary medical precautions. Even though there might be academic pressure to come to school, the administration will make sure education will continue.