‘Spike’ Wilson honored with award for 30 years of timing

Emerson Wright

KEEPING TIME, TEACHING TIME. Spike Wilson teaches his second grade class units of time. He recently won an IADA honor.

Abigail Slimmon, Midway Reporter

One of U-High’s best-known lower school teachers, Michael “Spike” Wilson is winning an award from the Illinois Athletic Directors Association for 30 years of keeping time at high school volleyball and basketball games.

Mr. Wilson is an official timer at the girl’s volleyball games during the fall season and the boys and girls basketball games in the winter. 30 years ago, Mr. Wilson first started running the clock and scoreboard because the basketball coach asked for his help.

Mr. Wilson says the main reason he comes back each fall, is to stay connected with older, high school students and their families.

“I get to see kids that I taught when they are teenagers which is really special. Not too many early-childhood teachers get to follow and watch the kids that they’ve taught many years ago,” Mr. Wilson said. “I also get to see that families that come to the games. Being at every game lets me stay close to the parents of students I had.”

Varsity basketball player Stephanie Miller had Mr. Wilson for both first and second grade and mentioned that he is one of her favorite teachers at Lab. Stephanie has been on the U-High basketball team for three years and said that seeing Mr. Wilson at every game is nice because it’s a reminder of her earlier years in Blaine Hall.

“He is always there to congratulate me after games, even if we lose, which is really great to hear,” Stephanie said. “He is always there to support my team and I, which has shown me that not only is he a great teacher but that he really does care about the community as a whole.”

Now that students from Nursery 3 to 2nd grade have moved a few blocks away to Earl Shapiro Hall, Mr. Wilson explained that there is a disconnect from the teachers there and the older students on the historic campus.

“Ever since we moved to ESH five years ago, we don’t get to see our students grow up all the way to senior year. For me, keeping the time and score is a way for me to stay in touch with what’s happening on the historic campus, what’s going on with U-High and my students,” Mr. Wilson said.