Model UN wins distinguished large delegation award

Saul Arnow
The Model United Nations team participated in their first four-day, in-person conference since the start of the pandemic.
April 12, 2022
The Model United Nations team won a distinguished large delegation award at the Northwestern University Model United Nations conference, which took place April 7-10.
The conference at Northwestern University was the first four-day, in-person Model UN conference the team has participated in since the start of the pandemic. It was also the first major, in-person conference that any current board member of the club had run preparations for.
Juniors Lauren Tapper and Amelie Liu led the 18 participants through six weeks of research and speaking in preparation for the conference.
“We were thinking of this, not as an end of a season, but as a catalyst of a new season,” Lauren said, “of going back in-person and returning to real Model UN conferences after two years of being online.”
The majority of the U-High conference attendees were ninth and tenth graders, many of whom won individual awards.
Ninth grader Lucie Bhatoey-Bertrand, who won a distinguished award in her committee, enjoyed the conference experience.
“It was exciting to be around other people who wanted to do Model UN,” Lucie said. “Being able to come home with a distinguished award was really nice.”