Fall show, ‘The Firebugs,’ begins production

Matt Petres

Juniors Aaron Moss and Lena Valenti audition for the fall production “The Firebugs” in Sherry Lansing Theater. The show will be preformed on Oct. 27-29 and follows the story of an arsonist terrorizing a town.

Téa Tamburo, Editor in Chief

In a town routinely attacked by arsonists in disguise, a house’s destruction is plotted. Featuring a chorus of firemen and a set of oil drums, “The Firebugs,” originally adapted from a radio play by playwright Max Frisch, will be performed in the Sherry Lansing Theater on Oct. 27-29.

Disguised as door-to-door salesmen, the arsonists talk their way into people’s homes, settle into the attics and plot the destruction of a house. Biedermann, the central character, persuades the arsonists to let him spend the night in the attic. After numerous events, Biedermann becomes an accomplice in his own downfall and stands before the gates of hell.

According to Liucija Ambrosini, director, the play is in an absurd style, and she chose it to build community morale among its cast and crew. Mrs. Ambrosini said last year’s productions united a supportive and hardworking community, something she wants “The Firebugs” production to continue. 

“It’s an intelligent, deep play with both serious and comic overtones,” Mrs. Ambrosini said. “I felt that everybody could be really involved in it. There are technical and acting elements that would make everybody feel like they were working toward an excellent product.”

Theater manager Anna Bohlen, a senior, is looking forward to the show’s props, saying a major component of the show will be its props. 

“I’m pretty sure there’s actually going to be a wall that the prop master’s gonna have to build,” she said, “and so I’m really excited to be on that kind of stage, because I’ve never been on a stage with like an actual wall on it before.”

Anna has acted in the fall play since she was a ninth grader and said she is eager for the production.

“I’m just really excited for my last fall play at Lab,” she said, “and I want to make it the best it possibly can be.”