Science Olympiad team scores first, second at UChicago contests

At two competitions at the University of Chicago, the varsity Science Olympiad team placed first and second.

Niall Danahey, Reporter

The varsity Science Olympiad team scored first and second place in two consecutive competitions at the University of Chicago Jan. 28 and Feb. 4.

Junior varsity scored sixth in the Jan. 28 event competing against 39 teams, and third of 22 teams on Feb. 4.
Individuals participate in the competitions and get individually ranked, and their scores contribute to the team’s overall score. The events are either knowledge-based, engineering-based or hands-on.

The team members were happy with their results. Captain Fermi Boonstra said that in the Jan. 28 competition everyone was happy with the results. 

She said, “For varsity, the only team we were beat by is the number one school in Indiana, who goes to nationals every year. So we were very happy with [our placement].”