Vox Pop: Student Extracurriculars

Midway Staff

In this Vox Pop, we ask students about what they have gained from participating in extracurricular activities.

Kabir Joshi and Light Dohrn

What did you learn or gain from your extracurricular experiences this year?

“I learned how to navigate a team sport when it’s just me in the water. It’s like a sense of camaraderie in something individual.”

— Lydia Gilbert, swimming, ninth grade


“I have gained the skills from the lab like learning how to genotype mice, but also I’ve learned what it is like being in the environment and how people work together in it.”

— Karis Lee, works at an immunology lab at the University of Chcago, sophomore


“I did track and field this year and I plan on doing that next year, as well. During the season, I learned a lot about determination. To actually succeed in something, you really need to put your mind to it. Plus the motivation of coaches and teammates means a lot, and I think that’s what made the track team such a good community to be in.”

— Hayla Shah, track and field, ninth grade


“I’m the current vice president of the Asian Students’ Association, which not only carries a lot of responsibility, but allows me to do what I love: giving back to the community. I’m able to contribute more to the assemblies, social events, and workshops facilitated by our club, which I have a passion for.”

— Jacob Liu, ASA, junior


“I now have many more skills that I did not have. I can use computer and design software, as well as knowing many different manufacturing techniques.”

— Jashan Gill, F1, sophomore


“I gained a number of leadership, organization, speaking and writing skills. I also learned a lot about the different spheres of public policy and international relations.”

— Areen Khan, Model UN, junior


“I’m in the high school fencing team, and I think it’s allowed me to connect with a lot of people I wouldn’t have otherwise known.”

— Angela Zhang, fencing, ninth grade