A new affinity group, Hindu Students Club, will give Hindu students at U-High the opportunity to come together, share and celebrate their cultural identities and experiences.
Founder Aran Malhotra, sophomore, said he felt the necessity to give Hindu students more voice.
“We have a population of Hindu students at Lab and their main place to go before was Asian Students’ Association,” Aran said, “but ASA isn’t solely focused on their religion, and where they come from. I have a lot of friends who are Hindu, so I knew that there were enough here at Lab to be able to get a club started.”
HSC, advised by history teachers Cindy Jurisson and Peter Samuels, held a meeting on Sept. 26, where students discussed leadership positions in the club and potential festival gatherings.
Aran shared his ideas for planned events in the future, referring Hindu celebrations and the possibility of collaborating with other affinity groups to maintain positive interactions and promote unity.
“I also plan to invite Hindu speakers to educate members on different Hindu practices like yoga,” Aran wrote in a follow-up email message.
Aran mentioned that HSC would like to help improve the Lab community for all students, not just those who are Hindu.
“I created HSC for Hindu students at Lab to have a space where they can come feeling comfortable, and they can celebrate their faith,” Aran wrote in the email. “At the same time, HSC would like to spread love to bring all faiths and cultures together. We would continue to make Lab a place where all cultures are accepted and included.”