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U-High Midway

The Student News Site of University of Chicago Laboratory High School

U-High Midway

The Student News Site of University of Chicago Laboratory High School

U-High Midway

Midway will be taking a break over the summer
After reminiscing with fond memories, Class of 2024 graduates in Rockefeller Chapel

Maggie Rose’s catchy ‘No One Gets Out Alive’ inspires, uplifts

Maggie Rose’s new album features country and folk.

“Call the boy / Ask the girl / Have no regrets / When you leave this world / ’Cause you know / No one gets out alive,” belts Maggie Rose in the five-and-a-half-minute opening song of her fourth studio album, “No One Gets Out Alive.” Released on April 5, 2024, the country-soul album is already steadily rising in popularity after listing on Spotify’s “New Retro” playlist, which combines a mix of emerging folk, country and vintage soul artists.

“No One Gets Out Alive” features powerful, uplifting crescendos and soulful verses backed by memorable drum beats, catchy guitar strings and playful piano, showcasing Ms. Rose’s strong vocals and compelling artistic individuality. 

Although her emotional storytelling is ever-so-slightly reminiscent of Taylor Swift’s “Fearless,” Ms. Rose manages to distinguish herself through her dramatic ballads, which although sorrowful at times, like in the heartfelt track “Only Time Around,” are neither despondent nor angsty. Confident and passionate, the album combines smoothly delivered, fresh new lyrics with ’80s-inspired melodies, particularly in “Vanish,” Ms. Rose’s 10th song, whose chilling harmonies and verses will continue to play in your head long after you’ve listened.  

Several tracks have an exciting, fun feel, such as “Dead Weight,” where Ms. Rose defiantly sings, “But you ain’t ever gonna be in my way / You ain’t ever gonna see the day / You could ever make me feel afraid / Of your sticks and stones, your box of bones / All you are is dead weight.” 

The Maryland singer began her music career in 2009, when she released a cover of Kings of Leon‘s “Use Somebody.” Since then, she has produced three studio albums (four with the addition of “No One Gets Out Alive”). In an industry like country music, which is still nearly 89 percent male, Ms. Rose’s work is paving the way for other aspiring young female country artists. 

“No One Gets Out Alive” is proof of Ms. Rose’s talent and ability to combine many different genres to make her music truly stand out. The tracks on this captivating new album will be sure to have you singing your heart out, whether you’re on the highway, chilling with friends or dancing alone in your room. 

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About the Contributor
Orlie Weitzman
Orlie Weitzman, Reporter
Orlie Weitzman is a member of the Class of 2027 and serves as reporter. She began the U-High Midway in the 2023-24 school year when she was a ninth grader. Orlie's second home is Hyde Park School of Dance, where she is a company dancer and a teacher trainee. Orlie also loves reading classics, YA novels and poetry.

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