The Student News Site of University of Chicago Laboratory High School

U-High Midway

The Student News Site of University of Chicago Laboratory High School

U-High Midway

The Student News Site of University of Chicago Laboratory High School

U-High Midway

Midway will be taking a break over the summer
After reminiscing with fond memories, Class of 2024 graduates in Rockefeller Chapel

Baseball season wrap up: Team loses in sectional semi-finals

Ryan Burke-Stevenson
At a May 11 away game against Chicago Christian High School, senior Connor Booth scores a run. The varsity baseball team concluded their season May 22 with a 8-9 loss in the sectional semi-final game.

The varsity baseball team played its last game of the season on May 22, losing the sectional semi-final game to Herscher High School 11-0. The team ended the season with a record of 8-9. 

Senior Mason List, the team captain, said the team overcame challenges, growing as people and as a group throughout the season. 

“We played a very difficult out-of-conference schedule, which included a five-hour win over Jones, whose enrollment is more than three times larger than ours,” Mason said. 

Mason also believes that a large factor in the team’s performance was the frequency of players’ injuries during games. Chicago’s unreliable weather often made it difficult to play when it was too cold or rainy. 

“With the length of our season being relatively short and the weather often not cooperating, it’s necessary to pack a lot of games into the portion of the season that’s warm enough to play,” Mason said. “Given this, our bodies often struggle to keep up with what we’re demanding from them, and we’re forced to miss games.”

But through injuries and tough games, the team persevered, bringing home several hard-earned victories. Mason said he’s proud of the team’s accomplishments and looks forward to seeing what else they can achieve. 

“We have persevered through an awful amount of injuries, but continue to push through and work hard every single day,” Mason said. “I feel very proud of what this team has done so far this year, and I look forward to the success we’ll have in the future.”

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About the Contributors
Light Dohrn
Light Dohrn, Assistant Editor
Light Dohrn is a member of the Class of 2026 and a Midway assistant editor. As a ninth grader, she joined the journalism team during the 2022-23 school year. Her favorite piece she has written for the Midway is “Through authenticity and humor, biology teacher inspires passion among students.” Outside of journalism, she enjoys Middle-Earth fantasy books and Tarantino films. Awards: 2023 Journalism Education Association National Student Media Contests, Boston convention: Excellent, review writing 2023 Journalism Education Association National Student Media Contests, San Francisco convention: Honorable mention, press law and ethics
Ryan Burke-Stevenson
Ryan Burke-Stevenson, Photographer
Ryan Burke-Stevenson is a photojournalist and a member of the Class of 2025. His favorite part of photojournalism is being able to give a visual aspect to stories. Outside of photojournalism, Ryan is interested in cooking and cycling. Awards: 2024 Scholastic Press Association of Chicago, non-sports photo: superior 2023 Association of Texas Photography Instructors Fall Contest, advertising, first honorable mention

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