Beaker Buddies, a program where U-High students mentor early childhood school students in science experiments, will not run in the 2025-26 school year after the Lab administration did not approve a science department proposal for an extra-service position.
Founded in 2022 by U-High chemistry teacher Zachary Hund and early childhood teacher Michael Eldridge, Beaker Buddies has grown to include 10 first and second grade classes, totaling over 350 students.
Once a month, these young students travel from Earl Shapiro Hall to visit the Historic Campus, joining U-High science classes in activities such as egg sink-or-float experiments, ice cream making and creating slime.
Dr. Hund expressed disappointment over the program’s suspension and said he hopes the program makes a return.
“Beaker Buddies has been my favorite part of working at Lab since I started 10 years ago,” he wrote in an email to the Midway. “The program began when my son was in Michael Eldridge’s class, and once we saw how exciting, engaging and impactful it was, it just kept growing.”
Mr. Eldridge notes how much the younger kids enjoy connecting with high schoolers.
“I love the excitement my students experience when they know we’re coming to Beaker Buddies,” he said. “The science teachers are so thoughtful in their approaches to the experiments for young children and providing age-appropriate but exciting experiments.”
Junior Clara Blucher, an AT Biology student who participates in the program, enjoys sharing science with younger students.
“We can both benefit from what we’re learning,” she said. “I get to practice applying concepts while explaining things to them, and they get to see the world of science.”
First grader Esme Aschebrook also looks forward to creating experiments each month.
“You never know exactly what reaction is going to happen,” she said.
Pointing to purple slime she made in one Beaker Buddies experiment, Esme said, “I’m going to keep this forever!”