From the editors: What to expect from the Midway during remote learning

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The Midway has continually established itself as a reliable source of information, according to outgoing Editors-In-Chief Nikhil Patel and Abigail Slimmon.

Nikhil Patel and Abigail Slimmon

Dear readers,

Two months ago, when U-High’s exchange trip to China was postponed indefinitely, we included a sidebar with information about the outbreak as provided by the CDC. That sidebar included the words “the virus remains a low risk in the U.S.” More and more, we find ourselves wishing that that statement were still true.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve all learned first hand what exponential growth truly means. Each day, our city, state and federal governments begin to take progressively more drastic actions to stem the spread of the COVID-19 and we prepare for online classes that will continue indefinitely. 

As we work together to keep the most vulnerable members of our population safe, it’s easy to get lost in speculations or exaggerations. During these uncertain, messy and scary times, the role of the Midway as a source for concrete facts is more important than ever. It is our responsibility to clarify any rumors and to update the community on what the school is doing in response to COVID-19. Just because we are not physically in the newsroom does not mean that we have stopped working. Our website is constantly being updated. We hope readers find comfort in knowing we are in close contact with the Laboratory Schools administration to make sure we can publish accurate information in a timely manner. We will be conducting remote interviews and publishing stories at the same high level as we were before. 

At this time, facing a challenge unlike any we’ve faced before, staying connected and promoting a sense of unity around the school is paramount. As a nation and as the U-High community, we typically rely on each other in times of great crisis. We can talk to each other in our classes or our passing periods, and escape the stress through sporting events or going to the movies. This is different and we can no longer do that. Therefore, we must adapt. The Midway staff plans to cover the pandemic from all angles, including ways to stay healthy and active, movie and television show reviews to keep us entertained and spotlights on students.

Students provide a unique and essential voice at this time. We will continue to be a forum for continued dialogue among the U-High community. As always, we welcome comments and feedback. We will continue to accept guest columns from students, faculty, staff and others in the extended community as well as letters to the editors. And, above all, we will continue to inform, educate and serve the community of University High School as our mission statement reflects.

At the beginning of the school year, none of us could’ve predicted that this would be our journey. In these times, the only thing that seems certain is change. It is easy to be scared, to feel alone and isolated from those with whom we connected on a daily basis at school. Now, more than ever, we must be brave. Our actions matter — stick to a daily routine, help out others (virtually), support your local businesses, and/or donate to COVID-19 organizations. If we all work together, this will be over soon and we can focus on what comes next. 

Thank you for continuing to read the Midway, and thank you for your continued support. Please: stay safe, stay healthy and stay tuned.


Nikhil Patel and Abigail Slimmon