Sophomore service requirement reduced

Malcolm Taylor

Having taken their first step on their service journey, a group of sophomores poses at their sophomore retreat service site, The River Food Pantry, Sept. 19. Many members of the class of 2022 have had difficulty completing that journey because of COVID-19, leading to the requirement being reduced to 20 hours from 40.

Max Garfinkel, Business Manager

Service-learning requirements for the Class of 2022 have been reduced from 40 hours to 20 due to self-isolation measures and remote learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

While some sophomores have already completed 20 hours of service, others are finding creative ways to complete the requirement.

Service learning coordinator Chimare Eaglin said that some organizations have begun to transition to online service models, while others have closed completely during the pandemic. 

Dr. Eaglin said, “It’s been a time to really be creative while thinking about how to give back during this time and see what the community really needs.” 

Some opportunities for service learning at home include making masks for hospitals and medical facilities, tutoring children online, and online wellness checks for seniors.

Dr. Eaglin said she is currently working on finding ways that the sophomores can serve groups of people impacted the most by the pandemic. 

“Nursing homes have been quarantined really hard, leaving seniors very isolated. I would love to see students able to play music or do Zoom virtual concerts that the residents could tune-in to,” Dr. Eaglin said.