Other retirees will miss community, curious kids

Primary school principal Carla Young is among the retirees this year.

From P.E. teachers to principals, this summer, the Lab community will say goodbye to eight retiring members from outside the high school.

Primary school principal Carla Young, language teacher Vicki Schneider, music teacher Ellen Everson, first grade teacher Eileen Wagner, P.E teacher Nancy King and middle school librarian Cynthia Oakes will retire at the end of the year.

Though they said they’ll miss their dedicated colleagues and community-minded students, they are looking forward to the quiet, unstructured years ahead.

Most of all, principal Carla Young will miss Lab’s community.

“It is a school community that fosters friendships and believes in the value of lifelong learning,” Ms. Young said.

However, she is looking forward to spending time with her family, her books, and whatever else she may enjoy — a far cry from the packed schedule she endured during 35 years at Lab.

“I am looking forward to spending more time with my family and my nine grandchildren.  I am an avid reader and the pile on my reading table is beckoning me,” Ms. Young said. “A lifetime is not long enough to take in all the interesting aspects of this incredible universe.”

First grade teacher Ms. Wagner is looking forward to a relaxing and calm retirement.

“I enjoy gardening and reading so that will figure into my plans. The rest is up for grabs. I’m open to any new experiences that may come along,” Ms. Wagner said.

Ms. Oakes, Lab’s middle school librarian for 21 years, will miss the students at Lab.

“Their smiles, their curiosity, their kindness — there’s this whole range of emotions that hits you every day when working with kids,” Ms. Oakes said. “They’re wonderful.”

Starting this June, Ms. Oakes will enjoy some unstructured time — she will finally be able to wake up later than 5:30 a.m.

The Lab community is what P.E. teacher Nancy King will miss most about Lab.

“The students here appreciate what I do, and it’s nice to be appreciated,” Ms. King said.

In her first of 37 years here, Ms. King created one of the first girls cross country programs in the state.

After her retirement, Ms. King and her husband will move to North Carolina.

Another among those retiring is Ms. Everson, a primary school music teacher. Ms. Everson said she will miss her students the most of all.

Throughout her 24 years here, Ms. Everson has started multiple primary-school choirs, such as the Spring Choir and the Choir With No Name.

Ms. Schneider is grateful for the opportunity to create units, as for her, crafting classroom experiences is similar to any creative process.

Ms. Schneider, world Language teacher, is thankful for the 28 years of students she has taught.

“Teaching here has been joyful and fulfilling due to the boundless curiosity and enthusiasm of the student body,” Ms. Schneider said.