English classes should administer tests to ensure authenticity
Midway Staff
English classes should give tests so students would need to read the material instead of looking to other sources to complete assignments.
March 30, 2023
Currently, in English classes there are no tests taking place due to the English department’s policies regarding tests and grades. This means when students have to do any assignment, they are not forced to read the book, as the information in the question is easily acquired from online platforms.
If tests were to be implemented, they would force students to read the book due to needing specific information in the book that is not available through online resources, such as SparkNotes.
Students are found to be less likely to read a book when there is no assigned test on it, due to students not needing to read the book to complete the assignments, according to the American Historical Association.
Some U-High students have also mentioned that they don’t feel they really need to read the book because whatever material is needed will be discussed in class. This discussed material is found on the assigned writing responses. If U-High were to implement tests, the tests would include more than just the material that is discussed in classroom discussions, it would also include material from the book that has not been discussed.
Students would also benefit from the enjoyment of reading the book, hopefully motivating them to do better and enjoy the class. This would raise participation levels on a student and class level, benefitting both teachers and students.
With an implementation of reading comprehension tests, the problem of students not reading assigned material would be solved.
Kim Mosley • Mar 31, 2023 at 10:23 am
I had a teacher once who said that he’d rather have a good scholar than a good student. If the motivation for testing is to make “good” students then it may not be the best avenue. In the tutorial system, there are conversations between the tutor and the student. There would be little wiggle room in reading or not reading the text. Maybe the real inquiry is why aren’t the books being read? Learning is a privilege, not a task to endure. (Kim”63)
Livvy Jessen • Mar 31, 2023 at 10:10 am
If students are writing their essay based on SparkNotes, their grade will surely reflect the lack of effort they’ve put into it. Additionally, many teachers do administer regular reading quizzes. Students shouldn’t be blaming their own failure to do assigned work on the teacher of their class…
Lena • Mar 31, 2023 at 10:03 am
I have had several English tests actually, as well as several quizzes.