Few Quiz Bowl members disband

Max Garfinkel, Business Manager

Due to a lack of consistent members the Quiz Bowl team has disbanded. The group will no longer meet, or go to tournaments.

“At the end of the year we had maybe six members, including me,” senior Derek De Jong, the former Quiz Bowl leader, said.

The team usually needed only four members to compete, but the group couldn’t get enough members to go to tournaments. Derek said that many were busy or just didn’t want to go.

He added the club could be restarted if there was enough student participation.

Derek said he believed that competition with other U-High academic teams, like math or science teams, contributed to the lack of students participating in Quiz Bowl.

He also said many did not enjoy the club because it requires broad knowledge, not one specific subject, adding that this made studying difficult.

Quiz Bowl’s former sponsor Daniel Jones said Quiz Bowl will not go to tournaments this year due to complications in communication with IHSA.

David Ribbens, who is in charge of Lab’s communication with IHSA said the Quiz Bowl team could go to tournaments again if the club was restarted, but did not go in previous years due to conflicts of scheduling.