Ben Meyer, sophomore, identifies as politically conservative

LEGALIZATION OF RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA: I’m pro-legalization as are many contemporary conservatives because they tend to lean more towards personal liberties, and libertarianism is sort of woven into the contemporary conservative movement. I think that if one wants to smoke marijuana recreationally, I think there’s overwhelming research that would suggest that isn’t extremely detrimental to their health. I think we should have the right to. I think it’s also a government overstep if the government tries to tell the public so we don’t have the right to smoke a substance that really isn’t all too detrimental to their health.

Ben Meyer

HIGHER EDUCATION: It all sort of seems kind of vague and unsustainable. I don’t know what his exact policy is. He keeps referencing making education more affordable while maintaining excellence. I don’t think that’s sustainable. There is a way to make education more affordable, but you have to compromise the fact that it won’t be known excellence as he says it will. It won’t be the most prestigious education … You can’t have the facilities, brilliant teachers, all of the whole nine yards, while still having very affordable education. Those are mutually exclusive.

HEALTH CARE: In general I’m just I’m skeptical of any sort of universal health care. Historically over the past few years most attempts to carry out similar plans haven’t been all too successful. Our state is already in debt. Universal health care is very costly. He references the workmen quite a bit. The working man doesn’t benefit when you take money out of their pocket for, you know, the systems that just aren’t effective or for infrastructure that doesn’t work.

CRIMINAL JUSTICE: I think he has his good intent. I think it’s very problematic that our in general our justice system puts a stronger emphasis on detaining and keeping detained certain individuals rather than rehabilitating them. But the way he suggests doing so I believe is another example of when government tries to do too much. He has suggested implementing various governmental agencies that specialize in reforming the justice system, which I feel can be done substantially more efficiently without wasting the taxpayer’s money. It’s a promise that’s appealing to certain voters but when you actually get into it it just doesn’t seem effective.