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The Student News Site of University of Chicago Laboratory High School

U-High Midway

The Student News Site of University of Chicago Laboratory High School

U-High Midway

The Student News Site of University of Chicago Laboratory High School

U-High Midway

Awards & Recognition

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CSPA Crown Awards

The U-High Midway has received 28 Crown Awards: 18 Gold and 9 Silver — and one to be announced in March 2025.

2025 Crown Award, High School Hybrid News (print and digital) — gold or silver announced in March 2025

2024 Gold Crown, High School Hybrid News (print and digital)

2023 Gold Crown, High School Hybrid News (print and digital)

2022 Silver Crown, High School Hybrid News (print and digital)

2021 Silver Crown, High School Hybrid News (print and digital)

2020 Silver Crown, High School Print Newspaper

2019 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

2018 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

2011 Silver Crown, High School Print Newspaper

2010 Silver Crown, High School Print Newspaper

2009 Silver Crown, High School Print Newspaper

2006 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

2004 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

2003 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

2002 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

2000 Silver Crown, High School Print Newspaper

1999 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

1996 Silver Crown, High School Print Newspaper

1993 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

1992 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

1991 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

1990 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

1989 Silver Crown, High School Print Newspaper

1988 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

1987 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

1986 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

1985 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

1984 Gold Crown, High School Print Newspaper

1975 Trendsetter Award, High School Print Newspaper

CSPA Gold Circle Awards

2024 Digital (work from October 2022 to October 2023)

Gabriel Issa, first place, single feature photograph, “Sprinting to success: Poppy Beiser”

Bryce Light, first place, single spot news photograph, “U-High celebrates community spirit in annual Homecoming assembly” (Photo 4: Teacher Matt Bonges)

Audrey Park, first place, sidebar writing, “Affirmative Apprehension — Expert input: Law professor explains case”

Katie Sasamoto-Kurisu, first place, sports news, “UChicago economics study tests baseball team”

Eliza Dearing, second place, art/illustration: hand-drawn, “Affirmative Apprehension”

Kaden Moubayed, second place, single spot news photograph, “2023 Graduation” (Photo 11: Jason & Sydney Tyler embrace)

Jaya Alenghat, certificate of merit, sports features, “Muslim student athletes navigate fasting during Ramadan while maintaining physical endurance”

Louis Auxenfans, certificate of merit, podcast, “A rite of passage: Seniors reflect on first voting experience,”

Clare McRoberts, certificate of merit, personal opinion: off-campus issues, “It’s time to end legacy admissions”

Sahana Unni, certificate of merit, news feature, “Dazzling drag city”

2024 Print Newspaper (work from June 2022 to June 2023)

Sahana Unni, first place, personal opinion: on-campus issues, “New auditorium name at odds with values”

Peter Cox, first place, single-subject news or feature package, single-page design (Page 4)

Gabriel Issa, second place, single feature photograph, “Sprinting to success: Poppy Beiser”

Zara Siddique and Sahana Unni, second place, photo layout: full page (Page 3)

Dalin Dohrn, third place, computer-generated art/illustration, “Rethinking therapy”

Staff (William Tan, Patrice Graham, Gabriel Issa, Matthew McGehee, Kaden Moubayed, Matt Petres), certificate of merit, photo story, “Photo Gallery: Raw reactions”

Katie Sasamoto-Kurisu, certificate of merit, news page design (Page 2)

2023 Digital (work from October 2021 to October 2022)

Single spot news photograph, first place, Matt Petres

Sports commentary, second place, Meena Lee

Podcast, third place, Audrey Matei & Téa Tamburo

Photo slideshow, certificate of merit, Andrew Burke-Stevenson

Personal opinion: off-campus issues, certificate of merit, Amon Gray

Podcast, certificate of merit, Caroline Hohner

Personality profile, certificate of merit, William Tan

2023 Print Newspaper (work from June 2021 to June 2022)

Briefs writing, first place, Staff (Amy Ren, Katie Sasamoto-Kurisu, Chloe Ma, Chloë Alexander, Joaquin Figueroa, Louis Auxenfans)

Op-ed/news analysis page design, third place, Anathea Carrigan

Photo layout: full page, third place, Meena Lee

Single-subject news/feature page design, third place, An Ngo

Single spot news photograph, third place, Matt Petres

Personality profile, third place, William Tan

News feature, certificate of merit, Louis Auxenfans

Sports commentary, certificate of merit, Meena Lee

Page one design, certificate of merit, Adriana Nehme

Cultural feature, certificate of merit, Sahana Unni

2022 Digital (work from October 2020 to October 2021)

Sidebar writing, first place, Audrey Park, “Misinformation solutions rely on regulation, media literacy”

Secondary coverage (follow-up reporting), certificate of merit, Nicky Edwards-Levin, “Parents protest in-person delays despite updates from administration”

Personal opinion: off-campus issues, certificate of merit, Caroline Hohner, “Social media companies should be held liable for harm their platforms can cause”

First-person experience, certificate of merit, Téa Tamburo, “Inclusion at Lab must mean more than a single identifier”

Single spot news photo, certificate of merit, Andrew Burke-Stevenson, “Faculty face off in Homecoming arm wrestling tournament” (Photo 1)

Photo slideshow, third place, Peter Pu, Elliott Taylor, Andrew Burke-Stevenson, “Members of Class of 2021 graduate on Jackman Field”

Photo slideshow, certificate of merit, Malcolm Taylor, Andrew Burke-Stevenson, Matt Petres, Chloe Ma, Henry Benton, and Patrice Graham, “Photo gallery: Faculty face off in Homecoming arm wrestling tournament”

Podcast, certificate of merit, Ella Beiser, “One year of distance”

2021 Print Newspaper (work from June 2020 to June 2021)

Headline writing, first place, Staff

Page one design, second place, Amanda Cassel, March 12, 2021

News writing, third place, Nicky Edwards-Levin, “To maintain equity, teachers go extra mile”

Editorial page design, third place, Ryan Clark, June 3 (Page 4)

Entertainment review, certificate of merit, Caroline Hohner, “Show entertains, provokes political introspection”

2021 Digital (work from October 2019 to October 2020)

Breaking news, first place, Peter Pu, “Lab community protests police brutality, racism throughout Chicago”

2020 Print Newspaper (work from June 2019 to June 2020)

Briefs writing, first place, Staff, “News in Brief, Nov. 7, 2019”

News writing, second place, Ella Beiser, “To Protest, Dancers Must Sit”

Sports news, second place, Ella Beiser, Nicky Edwards-Levin and Christian Gluth, “First Time for First Place”

Single sports photograph, third place, Maria Shaughnessy, “Undefeated and Close-Knit”

2019 Digital and Yearbook (work from October 2018 to October 2019)

First-person experience | Third Place | Mira Costello, “It’s OK Not to Know How to Help with an Eating Disorder”

Art/illustration: hand-drawn | First Place | Risa Cohen, for “Sled the City”

Art/illustration: hand-drawn | Second Place | Risa Cohen, “Too Hot to Handle”

Yearbook Sports Feature Writing | Certificate of Merit | Gabriel Ran, “Players Must ‘Bee’ Careful”

Yearbook Informational Graphics: Single | Second Place | Ananya Asthana and Natalie Bakwin, “Faculty and Staff”

Yearbook Division Page Design | Third Place | Natalie Bakwin and Grace Watson

2019 Print Newspaper (work from 2018-19 school year)

Single Subject News or Feature package, Single-Page Design | First Place | Priyanka Shrijay, “Chicago Choices”

Single Subject News or Feature Package, Double-truck (two-facing pages) | First Place | Emma Trone, “Too Hot To Handle”

Sports Commentary | First Place | Christian Gluth, “Colleges Need to Pay Athletes”

Sidebar Writing | Second Place | Audrey Matzke, “Non-Lab Pride Leaders Discuss Vibe in Schools”

Alternate Story Form | Certificate of Merit | Ella Beiser and Grace Zhang, “Seasons Streamings”

2018 (work from 2017-18 school year)

Art/Illustration: Portfolio of Work | Certificate of Merit | Amber Huo

Op-Ed or News Analysis Page Design | Certificate of Merit | Priyanka Shrijay

Single Subject News or Feature Package, Single Page Design | Certificate of Merit | Emma Trone

2017 (work from 2016-17 school year)

Cultural Feature | Second Place | Natalie Glick

Single spot news photograph | Second Place | Paige Fishman

CSPA Critique

2019-20  High School Hybrid Newspaper: Gold Medalist with All-Columbian Honors (Essentials, Verbal, Visual)

2018-19  High School Hybrid Newspaper: Gold Medalist with All-Columbian Honors (Essentials, Verbal)

2017-18  High School Print Newspaper: Gold Medalist with All-Colombian Honor (Visual)

2016-17  High School Print Newspaper: Gold Medalist with All-Colombian Honor (Verbal)

2015-16  High School Print Newspaper: Silver Medalist

NSPA Pacemaker Award — Newspaper

The U-High Midway has been named to the Newspaper Pacemaker Award list 17 times: 13 winners and 4 finalist-only.

2024  Newspaper Pacemaker Winner

2023  Newspaper Pacemaker Winner

2022  Newspaper Pacemaker Winner

2021  Newspaper Pacemaker Finalist

2020  Newspaper Pacemaker Winner

2019  Newspaper Pacemaker Finalist

2017  Newspaper Pacemaker Finalist

2001  Newspaper Pacemaker Winner

2000  Newspaper Pacemaker Finalist

1991  Newspaper Pacemaker Winner

1990  Newspaper Pacemaker Winner

1984  Newspaper Pacemaker Winner

1980  Newspaper Pacemaker Winner

1972  Newspaper Pacemaker Winner

1970  Newspaper Pacemaker Winner

1968  Newspaper Pacemaker Winner

Undated Pre-1968  Newspaper Pacemaker Winner

NSPA Pacemaker Award — Online

The U-High Midway website has been named to the Online Pacemaker Award list 4 times: 3 winners and 1 finalist-only.

2024  Online Pacemaker Winner

2022  Online Pacemaker Winner

2021  Online Pacemaker Finalist

2020  Online Pacemaker Winner

Best of Show — Staff

Philadelphia Fall Convention November 2024: Newspaper (Enrollment fewer than 1,800), Fourth Place

Boston Fall Convention November 2023: Newspaper (Enrollment fewer than 1,800), Third Place

San Francisco Spring Convention April 2023: Newspaper (Enrollment fewer than 1,800), First Place

San Francisco Spring Convention April 2023: Website (Enrollment fewer than 1,800), First Place

St. Louis Fall Convention November 2022: Website (Enrollment fewer than 1,800), Seventh Place

St. Louis Fall Convention November 2022: Newspaper (Enrollment fewer than 1,800), Second Place

National Best of Show November 2021: Website (Enrollment fewer than 1,500), First Place

National Best of Show November 2021: Newspaper/Newsmagazine (Enrollment fewer than 1,500), Sixth Place

National Best of Show April 2021: Website (Enrollment fewer than 1,500), First Place

National Best of Show April 2021: Newspaper Tabloid 16 or Fewer Pages, Eighth Place

National Best of Show November 2020: Website (Enrollment fewer than 1,500), Sixth Place

National Best of Show April 2020: Newspaper Tabloid 16 or Fewer Pages, Third Place

National Best of Show April 2020: Website (Enrollment fewer than 1,500), Third Place

Chicago Fall Convention November 2018: Newspaper Tabloid 16 or Fewer Pages, Second Place

Seattle Spring Convention April 2017: Newspaper Tabloid 16 or Fewer Pages, Third Place

Best of Show — Individual/Team

National Best of Show November 2021: Podcast, First Place

National Best of Show April 2021: Podcast, Eighth Place

National Best of Show April 2021: COVID-19 Reporting, Tenth Place

National Best of Show November 2020: Election Reporting, Sixth Place

National Best of Show November 2020: Social Justice Reporting, Tenth Place

National Best of Show April 2020: COVID-19 Coverage, Fifth Place

National Best of Show April 2020: Podcast, Tenth Place

NSPA Individual Awards

2024 Design of the Year: Newspaper Front Page, fifth place, Mia Lipson, Vol. 99 Issue 7, Feb. 22, 2024

2024 Design of the Year: Newspaper Page/spread, honorable mention, Sahana Unni, Affirmative Apprehension

2024 Design of the Year: Newspaper page/spread, first place, Jaya Alenghat, Cicadapalooza

2024 Digital Story of the Year: Photo Slideshow, second place, Olin Nafziger, Jaya Alenghat, Chloe Alexander, Mia Lipson

2024 Digital Story of the Year: Photo Slideshow, honorable mention, Jaya Alenghat, Taariq Ahmed, Mia Lipson, Nathan Li, Olin Nafziger, Eli Raikhel, Grace LaBelle, Ryan Burke-Stevenson, Ellis Calleri, Bryce Light

2024 Photo of the Year: Environmental Portrait, fifth place, Eli Raikhel

2024 Photo of the Year: Environmental Portrait, honorable mention, Eli Raikhel (for work published in the U-Highlights yearbook)

2024 Photo of the Year: Feature, first place, Daniel Baeza, (for work published in the U-Highlights yearbook)

2024 Story of the Year: Opinion Story, third place, Clare McRoberts

2024 Portfolio of the Year: Photojournalist of the Year, fourth place, Olin Nafziger

2024 Best Use of Social Media: Social Media Reporting, fourth place, Skye Freeman, Jaya Alenghat, Chloë Alexander, Clare McRoberts

2023 Design of the Year: Newspaper Page/Spread, Honorable Mention, Clare O’Connor

2023 Digital Story of the Year: Multimedia Sports, Fourth Place, Matt Petres, William Tan

2023 Digital Story of the Year: Photo Slideshow, Second Place, Patrice Graham

2023 Digital Story of the Year: Podcast, Second Place, Louis Auxenfans

2023 Photo of the Year: Environmental Portrait, Second Place, Gabriel Issa

2023 Photo of the Year: Environmental Portrait, Honorable Mention, Matt Petres

2023 Photo of the Year: Sports Feature, Honorable Mention, Matthew McGehee

2023 Story of the Year: Editorial, Fifth Place, Clare O’Connor

2023 Story of the Year: Opinion, Third Place, Amy Ren

2022 Digital Story of the Year: Photo Slideshow, Fourth Place, Andrew Burke-Stevenson

2022 Photo of the Year: Environmental Portrait, First Place, Elliott Taylor

2022 Photo of the Year: Environmental Portrait, Honorable Mention, Andrew Burke-Stevenson

2022 Photo of the Year: Feature, Honorable Mention, Andrew Burke-Stevenson

2022 Photo of the Year: News, Fourth Place, Malcolm Taylor

2022 Photo of the Year: Sports Game/Action, Honorable Mention, Andrew Burke-Stevenson

2022 Story of the Year: News, Third Place, Peter Pu

2021 COVID-19 Coverage: Print News/Feature, First Place, Ella Beiser

2021 Photo of the Year: News, First Place, Elliott Taylor

2021 Photo of the Year: Feature, Second Place, Elliott Taylor

2021 COVID-19 Coverage: Online News/Feature, Honorable Mention, Nicky Edwards-Levin

2020 Story of the Year: Editorial, First Place, Nicky Edwards-Levin

2019 Story of the Year: Editorial, Fourth Place, Audrey Matzke

2019 Digital Story of the Year: Podcast, Honorable Mention, Jacob Posner, Emma Trone

2019 Social Justice Reporting: Honorable Mention, Jacob Posner, Emma Trone

2018 Story of the Year: Editorial, First Place, Natalie Glick

2016 Story of the Year: Editorial/Opinion, Second Place, Sonny Lee

NSPA Critique

2019-20: First Class Rating with Two Marks of Distinction (website)

2019-20: All-American Rating with Four Marks of Distinction (print)

2018-19: All-American Rating with Four Marks of Distinction

2017-18: All-American Rating with Four Marks of Distinction

2016-17: All-American Rating with Four Marks of Distinction

2015-16: All-American Rating with Five Marks of Distinction

2014-15: First Class Rating with Three Marks of Distinction

1965-2014: 49 All-American Ratings

1988 | NSPA Hall of Fame, representing sustained excellence — 10 All-American ratings in no more than 11 years

National Student Media Contests (formerly Write-off Contests)

• Philadelphia Fall Convention November 2024

Superior: Lila Coyne, review writing

Excellent: Taariq Ahmed, commentary

Excellent: Clare McRoberts, newspaper layout

Excellent: Milo Platz-Walker, yearbook copy/caption: sports

Excellent: Naomi Benton, yearbook copy/caption: academics

Excellent: Orlie Weitzman, yearbook copy/caption: clubs

Excellent: Eli Raikhel, photo portfolio

Excellent: Ari Novak, podcast

Honorable mention: Caroline Skelly, sports writing

Honorable mention: Ellis Calleri, themed photo

Honorable mention: Danny Baeza, sports action photo

Honorable mention: Bryce Light, feature photo

Honorable mention: Olin Nafziger, general/spot news photo

Honorable mention: Estelle Levinson, portrait photo

• Boston Fall Convention November 2023

Superior: Danny Baeza, general/spot news

Excellent: Jaya Alenghat, newswriting

Excellent: Light Dohrn, review writing

Excellent: Declan Smith, yearbook copy/caption: student life

Honorable mention: Chloë Alexander, feature writing

Honorable mention: Abhay Chandran, yearbook copy/caption: academics

Honorable mention: Alex Diamond, feature photo

Honorable mention: Malia Maki, yearbook copy/caption: clubs

Honorable mention: Kaden Moubayed, photo portfolio

Honorable mention: Peyton Palmer, first-year photo

Honorable mention: Victoria Washington, commentary writing

• San Francisco Spring Convention April 2023

Superior: Mia Lipson, editorial writing

Superior: Kaden Moubayed, first-year photo

Superior: Zara Siddique, commentary writing

Excellent: Kabir Joshi, review writing

Honorable mention: Chloë Alexander, news editing/headline/current events

Honorable mention: Light Dohrn, press law and ethics

Honorable mention: Clare McRoberts, feature writing

Honorable mention: Audrey Park, online news package (team)

Honorable mention: Katie Sasamoto-Kurisu, online news package (team)

Honorable mention: Sahana Unni, online news package (team)

Honorable mention: Victoria Washington, news writing

• St. Louis Fall Convention November 2022

Commentary Writing | Superior | Krishita Dutta

News Editing/Headline/Current Events | Excellent | Téa Tamburo

Photography Portfolio | Excellent | Matt Petres

Themed Photo | Excellent | Gabriel Issa

Editorial Writing | Honorable Mention | Audrey Park

Feature Writing | Honorable Mention | Sahana Unni

First-Year Photo | Honorable Mention | Kenneth Peters

Press Law and Ethics | Honorable Mention | Audrey Matei

Review Writing | Honorable Mention | Erich Raumann

•  Virtual Fall Convention November 2021

Feature Writing | Superior | Peter Pu

First-Year Photo | Excellent | Matt Petres

Photography Portfolio | Excellent | Andrew Burke-Stevenson

Press Law and Ethics | Excellent | An Ngo

Review Writing | Excellent | Téa Tamburo

Portrait Photo | Honorable Mention | Malcolm Taylor

Sports Writing | Honorable Mention | Adrianna Nehme

•  Virtual Fall Convention November 2020

Newspaper Design | Superior | Amanda Cassel

Press Law and Ethics | Superior | Berk Oto

Editorial Writing | Excellent | Krishita Dutta

Review Writing | Excellent | Nicky Edwards-Levin

News Writing | Honorable Mention | Peter Pu

Sports Writing | Honorable Mention | Grace Holleb

Commentary Writing | Honorable Mention | An Ngo

Yearbook Copy/Caption: Clubs: | Honorable Mention | Adrianna Nehme

Feature Photo | Honorable Mention | Malcolm Taylor

• Washington, D.C., Fall Convention November 2019

Feature Writing | Superior | Mira Costello

Review Writing | Superior | An Ngo

News Editing/Headline Writing/Current Events | Superior | Peter Pu

Yearbook Copy/Caption: Student Life | Superior | Claire Duncan

Sports Action Photo | Superior | Maria Shaughnessy

Commentary Writing | Excellent | Caledonia Abbey

First-Year Photo | Excellent | Malcolm Taylor

News Writing | Honorable Mention | Grace Holleb

Editorial Writing | Honorable Mention | Olivia Griffin

Sports Writing | Honorable Mention | Julian Ingersoll

Yearbook Copy/Caption: Sports | Honorable Mention | Anathea Carrigan

• Chicago Fall Convention November 2018

News Writing | Superior | Grace Zhang

Yearbook Copy/Captions: Academics | Superior | Grace Watson

Press Law and Ethics | Excellent | Otto Brown

Sports Writing | Excellent | Priyanka Shrijay

Yearbook Copy/Captions: Clubs | Excellent | Mira Costello

Editorial Writing | Honorable Mention | Emma Trone

Feature Writing | Honorable Mention | Jacob Posner

Yearbook Copy/Captions: Sports | Honorable Mention | Claire Duncan

Yearbook Copy/Captions: Student Life | Honorable Mention | Yael Rolnik

• Seattle Spring Convention April 2017

News Writing | Excellent | Emma Trone

Sports Writing | Honorable Mention | Jacob Posner

Illinois Journalist of the Year

2017 Runner-up: Marissa Martinez

2015 Runner-up: Michael Glick

Illinois All-State Journalism Team

The award recognizes those students who have proven themselves indispensable to their respective school media. Since the award began in 2005, 19 U-High students have been recognized. One student was recognized twice, and three all-state teams have had two U-High students.

2024 Taariq Ahmed and Olin Nafziger

2023 Patrice Graham and Audrey Park

2022 Téa Tamburo

2021 Caroline Hohner

2020 Amanda Cassel

2019 Emma Trone

2018 Priyanka Shrijay

2017 Marissa Martinez

2016 Grace Anderson

2015 Michael Glick

2014 Michael Glick

2011 Sydney Scarlata

2010 Nick Chaskin

2009 Gabriel Bump

2008 Liwen Xu

2007 Jeremy Lacocque

2005 Joseph Bernardoni and Danielle Goldman

Newspaper and Digital News Media Contest / March 2023 to March 2024

Best Overall Publication (Print, Digital or Hybrid)

Best Hybrid Publication

News Story

1st: Multiple thefts reported this month, Sahana Unni

2nd: University bars land acknowledgement statements, Clare McRoberts

In-Depth News Story

1st: Students use Zyn nicotine products, despite discouragement, Audrey Park

2nd: Fact or fiction: Teens use social media as news source, risks included, Clare McRoberts

Feature Story

2nd: Hiding honky-tonk, Audrey Park

3rd: Fragrance fanatics: trend sparks student interest in cologne, Sahana Unni

Personality Profile

1st: Sewn together: Ki Kim and Yang Kim, Skye Freeman

2nd: Juggling Act: Senior works to explore passions with numerous roles in upcoming fall play, Taariq Ahmed

Sports News Story

1st: 7 seniors commit to play college athletics in community event, Taariq Ahmed

Sports Feature Story

1st: Coaching with care: Tyrone Mason, Jaya Alenghat

2nd: Muslim student athletes navigate fasting during Ramadan while maintaining physical endurance, Jaya Alenghat

Sports Commentary

1st: A new White Sox stadium would be beneficial but nonessential, Jaya Alenghat

3rd: Like their male counterparts, allow female athletes to display emotion during competitions, Victoria Washington

Staff Editorial

1st: After alarm, attitude must change, Mia Lipson

2nd: Election breach threatens student voice, Clare McRoberts

Serious Commentary

1st: It’s time to end legacy admissions, Clare McRoberts

HM: Mindy Kaling’s depiction of Indian women isn’t a step forward, Sahana Unni


1st: Live-action anime series, ‘One Piece,’ exceeds expectations, Light Dohrn

2nd: ‘The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes’ brings strong acting, flawed storytelling, Light Dohrn

News or Feature Photo

1st: A community essential: Phillip Raoul (main image), Eli Raikhel

HM: Arm wrestling battle, (Photo 2), Alex Diamond

Sports Photo

1st: One-run loss ends baseball season, Matthew McGehee (Class of 2024)

3rd: Gallery: Winter sports in review (Photo 3: Boys basketball), Ellis Calleri

Editorial Cartoon

2nd: Election breach threatens student voice, Eliza Dearing

HM: Safety changes emphasize distrust, Eliza Dearing

Best Illustration

1st: In-Depth: Affirmative Apprehension, Eliza Dearing

3rd: Arts: Deceptive drama, Sygne Stole


1st: 99.1-06 In-Depth: Affirmative Apprehension (6 key events timeline)

3rd: 99.5-09 Arts: Five to Try, Chloë Alexander

Alternative Storytelling

1st: News: Fresh faces, Audrey Park, Katie Sasamoto-Kurisu, Sahana Unni

2nd: In-Depth: U-High students also aren’t too enthusiastic (poll), Katie Sasamoto-Kurisu

Use of Social Media

1st: Instagram


2nd: Features: Fragrance Fanatics, ClareMcRoberts, Katie Sasamoto-Kurisu

Multimedia Story Package

1st: Balancing Act: A brotherly bond drives twin gymnasts Akshay and Kavan Puri to success, William Tan (Class of 2024), Matt Petres (Class of 2024)

2nd: Mocktail Mania: Fruity, fizzy drinks offer nonalchoholic, fun beverage option, Haley Maharry, Jaya Alenghat, Chloë Alexander, Clare McRoberts, Olin Nafziger

Video Story

1st: Video: Taylor Swift fans unite over clothing, bracelets and songs, Clare McRoberts

2nd: New club provides outlet for musicians, gives back to community, Haley Maharry

Audio Journalism

1st: Audio: Chicago music school experiences boom in business, Ari Novak

2nd: Audio: Band shares joy of music with youngest Lab students in Halloween parade, Skye Freeman

Photo Gallery or Photo Slideshow

1st: ArtsFest activities reflect students spirit, creativity, Taariq Ahmed, Chloë Alexander, Skye Freeman

2nd: U-High celebrates community spirit in annual Homecoming assembly, Taariq Ahmed, Mia Lipson, Alex Diamond, Bryce Light, Olin Nafziger, Eli Raikhel



Single-Page Story Package

1st: City Life: Emmett Till museum, Clare McRoberts

2nd: Arts: Hiding honky-tonk, Chloë Alexander, Audrey Park, Mia Lipson, Haley Maharry

Centerspread Story Package

1st: In-Depth: Freedom Flare-up, Audrey Park

2nd: In-Depth: Affirmative Apprehension, Audrey Park

Photo Story

1st: Sports: Raw reactions, Zara Siddique, Sahana Unni

Front-Page Design

1st: Vol. 99, Issue 7, Feb. 22, 2024, Mia Lipson

2nd: Vol. 98, Issue 21, June 1, 2023, Mia Lipson

Overall Design

1st: Vol. 99, Issue 7, Feb. 22, 2024

Newspaper and Digital News Media Contest / March 2022 to March 2023

Best Overall Publication (Print, Digital or Hybrid)

Best Hybrid Publication

News Story

2nd: Identity groups demand community address hate speech, Téa Tamburo

3rd: With powerful testimonials of discrimination, groups call for action, Taariq Ahmed, Mia Lipson, Téa Tamburo

In-Depth News Story

2nd: Leaving Lab: Black students say school environment is unwelcoming, Audrey Park

3rd: Safety and security: Half of surveyed worry about safety on campus, Clare McRoberts

Feature Story

1st: Role-playing game builds community through stories, Amy Ren

Personality Profile

1st: Accessibility advocate: Student reflects on fight for disability rights in published book, Louis Auxenfans

2nd: Bel Canto singer finds his voice in song, Clare McRoberts

Sports Feature Story

1st: Pressure to perform: Students say managing workload, sports comes with cost, William Tan

Sports Commentary

3rd: FIFA World Cup (Chapter 2): Qatar sparks controversy as World Cup host, Zara Siddique

HM: Keep no-cut: Everyone plays their part, William Tan

Staff Editorial

1st: Administrators: Denounce and address hateful actions, Clare O’Connor

2nd: Step up to support peers’ mental health, Sahana Unni

Serious Commentary

1st: New auditorium name at odds with values, Sahana Unni

HM: U-High must shine a light on Asian American struggles, Amy Ren


1st: ‘M3GAN’ combines humor and horror to tell relevant, engaging story, Amon Gray

2nd: Video game ‘Elden Ring’ provides challenging gameplay, beautiful graphics, Erich Raumann

News or Feature Photo

1st: Historic campus experiences unexpected fire alarm (main photo), Malcolm Taylor

2nd: Photos: ArtsFest 2023 (Photo 5 Chicago Boyz acrobats), Kaden Moubayed

Sports Photo

2nd: Photo gallery: Focused Faces (main photo), Patrice Graham

HM: Nesbitt named ISL Player of the Year; others receive all-conference honors: Ellis Calleri

Editorial Cartoon

1st: New auditorium name at odds with values, Dalin Dohrn

3rd: It’s time to establish boundaries for AI use, Dalin Dohrn


1st: Rethinking Therapy, Dalin Dohrn, Sept. 29, 2022


1st: Falling into the Manosphere (Who’s Who), Clare O’Connor, Feb. 23, 2023

2nd: Christmas season keeps creeping closer (snowflake graphic), Téa Tamburo, Ethan Swinger, Dec. 8, 2022

Alternative Storytelling

1st: Rising Stars, Amon Gray, Chloë Alexander, Audrey Matei, Téa Tamburo, Ainsley Williams, Katie Sasamoto-Kurisu, Victoria Washington, Jan. 24

HM: Light up the season with city’s holiday activities, Téa Tamburo, Dec. 8, 2022

Use of Social Media

1st: Instagram

2nd: Facebook


1st: ABCs of CBD, Katie Sasamoto-Kurisu

Multimedia Story Package

1st: Stitched together: New elective blends artistic creativity, fashion through experimental approach, Amy Ren, Zara Siddique

2nd: Video: Volunteers decorate South Side to spread holiday spirit, Matt Petres, Patrice Graham

Video Story

1st: Weighed down: Are packs harming our backs?, Clare O’Connor

2nd: Video: Behind the scenes, ‘Seussical’ set crew is foundation of theater, Colin Leslie

Audio Journalism

1st: Audio: The beat boys — Club provides opportunity for music exploration, socialization, Téa Tamburo, Sahana Unni

2nd: Audio: How we treat women in power — it’s not just Taylor Swift who faces sexism, Krishita Dutta and Clare McRoberts

Photo Gallery or Photo Slideshow — minimum 6 images

1st: Photo gallery: Focused Faces, Andrew Burke-Stevenson, Carter Chang, Patrice Graham, Gabriel Issa, Matthew McGehee, Chloe Ma, Matt Petres, Amy Ren, Elliott Taylor, Malcolm Taylor

2nd: Photos: ArtsFest 2023, Victoria Washington and Audrey Matei, Kaden Moubayed, Henry Benton, Patrice Graham, Matthew McGehee, Ishani Hariprasad, Sarah Abdelsalam



Single-Page Story Package

1st: City Life Page 4, Peter Cox, Feb. 23, 2023

2nd: Health & Wellness Page 3, Clare McRoberts, Feb. 23, 2023

Centerspread Story Package

1st: Falling into the Manosphere Pipeline, Clare O’Connor, Feb. 23, 2023

2nd: Can they play?, Lucia Kouri, April 14, 2022

Photo Story

1st: Focused Faces, Andrew Burke-Stevenson, Carter Chang, Patrice Graham, Gabriel Issa, Meena Lee, Matthew McGehee, Chloe Ma, Matt Petres, Amy Ren, Elliott Taylor, Malcolm Taylor

Front-Page Design

1st: Vol. 98, Issue 13, Louis Auxenfans, Sept. 29, 2022

2nd: Vol. 98, Issue 16, Louis Auxenfans, Dec. 8, 2022

Overall Design

1st: Volume 98, Issue 18, Feb. 23, 2023



Newspaper and Digital News Media Contest / March 2021 to March 2022

Best Overall Publication (Print, Digital or Hybrid)

Best Hybrid Publication

News Story
1st: New law addresses youth mental health, Adrianna Nehme
Second place: Student vaccination rate at ‘excellent place’, Lucia Kouri

In-Depth News Story
1st: Mistreated: Faculty of color speak out, Peter Pu
2nd: Heavy workload aggravates students, Peter Pu, Meena Lee

Feature Story
1st: Survivors of police torture fight for justice and healing, Audrey Park
HM: Pronoun problems: Students frustrated when teachers don’t use the right pronouns, Sahana Unni

Personality Profile
1st: One book, two cultures: Junior writes children’s book exploring intersectionality, multicultural heritage, William Tan
3rd: Setting up SET: Senior expands knowledge of fashion design through theater, Meena Lee

Sports News Story
1st: Sailing team places first in Illinois State Championship, Sahanna Unni
3rd: Citing gender dynamic, some girls uncomfortable using fitness center, Lucia Kouri

Sports Feature Story
3rd: Ping Pong Pals: Seniors connect over table tennis tournament, William Tan
HM: A case of Chronic coaching: Swim coach and paramedic pushes others to succeed, Caroline Hohner

Sports Commentary
HM: Future of soccer threatened by higher-level mismanagement, Christian Gluth

Staff Editorial
1st: To curb violence, commit to research, Erich Raumann
2nd: Overwhelmed students need help, Ryan Clark

Serious Commentary
1st: Deconstruct the fetishization of Asian women, Meena Lee
HM: Real diversity is more than “inclusion”, Audrey Matzke

1st: Lang Lang’s interpretative sense falters on ‘Goldberg Variations’, Louis Auxenfans
3rd: Fresh take on Spider-Man surpasses expectations, Ethan Swinger

News or Feature Photo
2nd: Lake Shore Drive renamed to honor DuSable, Chicago’s first settler, Elliott Taylor
3rd: Russian invasion shock, concerns students of Ukrainian descent, Matt Petres

Sports Photo
1st: Winter sports return in full swing (Photo 2: Fencing), Gabriel Issa
2nd: Sailing team places first in Illinois State Championship, Andrew Burke-Stevenson

1st: Pronoun problems, Dalin Dohrn
3rd: Beijing Olympics, Dalin Dohrn

1st: Misinformation fast facts, Peter Pu
3rd: Metaverse timeline (augmented reality), Amon Gray

Alternative Storytelling
1st: That’s a Wrap, Dec. 16, 2021 (Page 9), Caroline Hohner, Amy Ren

Use of Social Media
1st: Instagram
2nd: Facebook

HM: Covid, controversy, competition, Meena Lee

Multimedia Story Package
1st: Pullman: A monumental neighborhood, Louis Auxenfans, Andrew Burke-Stevenson
2nd: Members of Class of 2021 graduate on Jackman Field, Peter Pu, Elliott Taylor, Andrew Burke-Stevenson

Audio Journalism
1st: Texting while Zooming: In lieu of quick in-person asides, students text during class, Caroline Hohner
2nd: Parade watchers express differing views on Columbus and holiday, Téa Tamburo, Audrey Matei

Photo Gallery or Photo Slideshow
1st: Rock stars: Through rock climbing, students reach new heights, Andrew Burke-Stevenson
2nd: Photo gallery: Faculty face off in Homecoming arm wrestling tournament, staff

Single-Page Story Package
2nd: Pfizer frenzy May 6, 2021 (Page 24), Ella Beiser
3rd: Olympics Feb. 10, 2022 (Page 16), Meena Lee, Audrey Park

Centerspread Story Package
1st: Doing Our Part March 10, 2022 (Pages 8-9), Berk Oto
2nd: Into the Metaverse Nov. 11, 2021 (Pages 6-7), Berk Oto

Front-Page Design
1st: March 10, 2022 (Page 1), Adrianna Nehme

Overall Design
1st: March 10, 2022



Newspaper and Digital News Media Contest / March 2020 to March 2021

Best Overall Publication (Print, Digital or Hybrid): 2nd place

Best Hybrid Publication

News Story

1st: 94 teachers at risk for 2021-22 layoff, Amanda Cassel

In-Depth News Story

1st: Struggling in Solitude, Caroline Hohner, An Ngo

2nd: U-High students overwhelmingly choose Biden  Amanda Cassel

Feature Story

1st: StreetWise has changed the face of homelessness in Chicago, Adrianna Nehme

Personality Profile

1st: Built on a Lab foundation: Alumnus Paul Sagan employs experiential learning in leadership roles, Berk Oto

Sports Commentary

2nd: To fulfill commitment to student athletes, colleges should reallocate funds and not cut teams, Colin Leslie

3rd: ‘Friendly Confines,’ not confined to home: It’s time for fans to return to stands, Christian Gluth

Staff Editorial

1st: Lab must approach faculty bias with transparent, fair guidelines, Berk Oto, Amanda Cassel

2nd: Teachers should consider cutting curriculum to increase learning, Lucia Kouri, Ella Beiser, Amanda Cassel

Serious Commentary

1st: We all have to do our part in social distancing, Ella Beiser

HM: Inclusion at Lab must mean more than a single identifier, Téa Tamburo


3rd: Feminism and Freedom: “What the Constitution Means to Me” entertains with wit, provokes political introspection, Caroline Hohner

News or Feature Photo

1st: Photo 4: Downtown Chicago protest against racial injustice, Maria Shaughnessy

2nd: Protesting parents, Elliott Taylor

Sports Photo

1st: Boys basketball vs. North Shore Country Day School, Miriam Bloom

3rd: Golfer Emily Chang, Chloe Ma


2nd: Election 2020: Final lap and recap, Amanda Cassel

3rd: Baking a difference: Student launches online bakery, donates proceeds to charities, Peter Pu, Grace Holleb

Alternative Storytelling

1st: Take our social distancing friendly walking tour of Chicago’s neighborhoods, An Ngo, Caroline Hohner, Colin Leslie

Use of Social Media

1st: Instagram — Meena Lee, Berk Oto

2nd: Facebook — Berk Oto, Noa Appelbaum, Meena Lee, Téa Tamburo

Single-Page Story Package

1st: March 9, 2021, Page 1, Ella Beiser, Amanda Cassel, Sahanna Unni & Nicky Edwards-Levin

Front-Page Design

1st: March 9, 2021, Page 1, Ella Beiser, Amanda Cassel

Overall Design

2nd: March 12, 2021, Amanda Cassel, Nicky Edwards-Levin, Ella Beiser, Peter Pu

Audio Journalism

1st: One year of distance, Ella Beiser

2nd: Without volunteers, organizations need extra assistance, Adrianna Nehme

Multimedia Story Package

1st: Shared spaces: Families come to understand distance learning, work lives, Caroline Hohner

2nd: Promontory Point provides safe, nostalgic outdoor space to see friends, take part in activities, Clare O’Connor

COVID-19 Coverage — April 1, 2020, to March 15, 2021

2nd: Chicago’s Latinx communities face unique challenges combating pandemic, Ella Beiser



Newspaper and Digital News Media Contest / March 2019 to March 2020

Best Overall Publication (Print, Digital or Hybrid)

Best Hybrid Publication

Best Website

Best COVID-19 Coverage (special category)
1st: Coronavirus delays Chinese exchange trip, Madeline Welch
3rd: Beach family repatriated after being stranded in Peru, Abigail Slimmon, Berk Oto

Best News Story
1st: To protest, dancers must sit, Ella Beiser
3rd: Lab students participate in Global Climate strike in Chicago, Audrey Matzke

Best In-Depth News Story
1st: Climate crisis: How teachers plan to address the generation’s hottest issue, Peter Pu
2nd: Teachers go ‘gradeless’, Nikhil Patel

Best Feature Story
1st: TikTok encourages self-expression, community, Audrey Matzke
Honorable Mention: Suburban commuters experience positives, negatives, Ella Beiser

Best Personality Profile
1st: Senior enjoys creating complex engineering projects, Grace Brady
3rd: Gigi Reece’s percussion passion, Olivia Griffin

Best Sports News Story
1st: Boys soccer team places first at state, Nicky Edwards-Levin, Christian Gluth, Ella Beiser
2nd: P.E. department says athletics are not suitable substitute, Ella Beiser

Best Sports Feature Story
1st: Esports proves growing and successful industry, Christian Gluth
2nd: Refereeing done right: Student, teacher collaborate over calling signals, Madeline Welch

Best Staff Editorial
1st: Identity clubs need our help to thrive, Nicky Edwards-Levin, Madeline Welch
3rd: Teens: count on your peers, Iván Beck

Best Serious Commentary
1st: Wellness is about more than just academics, Audrey Matzke
Honorable Mention: Zero-waste should be an affordable lifestyle, Leland Culver

Best Review
1st: Memoir explores survivor-attacker narrative, Amanda Cassel
2nd: World of Warhol: Art Institute hosts retrospective exhibit, Olivia Griffin

Best News or Feature Photo
1st: March 2, 2020: All in the air (photo 5 in series), Maria Shaughnessy
Honorable Mention: 96.7 p12 It’s Rocket Science, Elliott Taylor

Best Sports Photo
1st: 96.2 p11 Tight-knit tennis team, Maria Shaughnessy
Honorable Mention: 96.5 p10 Heads up, Maria Shaughnessy

Best Illustration
2nd: 95.8 p6-7 Too Hot To Handle, Risa Cohen
Honorable Mention: 96.6 p6-7 Race for the Nomination, Risa Cohen

Best Infographic
2nd: 96.7 p8 Facts on Fire, Nicky Edwards-Levin
3rd: 96.2 p6-7 Vaping Quick Facts, Amanda Cassel, Abigail Slimmon

Best Alternative Storytelling
2nd: 96.7 p7 Brought to the table, Abigail Slimmon, Nikhil Patel
Honorable Mention: 95.10 p12 Take time during break to rest, recharge, Olivia Griffin, Leland Culver, Willow Young

Best Use of Social Media
1st: Instagram — Abigail Slimmon
3rd: Facebook — Leland Culver

Best Headline
1st: 96.7 p12 He’s a rocket man, Audrey Matzke

Best Single-Page Story Package
1st: 96.2 p12 Whole new headspace, Ella Beiser, Berk Oto, Julian Ingersoll, Ace Zhang
2nd: 96.5 p11 Sports on Screens, Nicky Edwards-Levin, Christian Gluth

Best Centerspread Story Package
1st: 96.5 p6-7 Swipe and scroll, Nikhil Patel, Amanda Cassel, Audrey Matzke, Peter Pu, Maria Shaughnessy
3rd: 96.6 p6-7 Race for the Nomination, Amanda Cassel, Anathea Carrigan, Nicky Edwards-Levin, Caroline Hohner, Risa Cohen

Best Photo Story
1st: 95.8 p11 Get on board with spring, Odysseas Nikas, Abigail Slimmon, Katerina Lopez
2nd: 96.2 p2 Homecoming Week, Mira Costello, Kathy Luan, Maria Shaughnessy, Malcolm Taylor

Best Front-Page Design
1st: 96.4, Dec. 12, 2019 — Mira Costello
2nd: 96.7, March 12, 2020 — Ella Beiser

Best Overall Design
1st: 96.5, Jan. 24, 2020
2nd: 96.7, March 12, 2020

Best Multimedia Story Package
1st: Artsfest provides time for creativity, relaxation, Peter Pu, Miriam Bloom, Kathy Luan, Maria Shaughnessy, Elliott Taylor, Malcolm Taylor
2nd: Campus sound show provides new art experience, Peter Pu

Best Audio Podcast
3rd: The Bubble: Religion, Jacob Posner, Emma Trone
Honorable Mention: The Bubble: Race, Jacob Posner, Emma Trone

Best Photo Gallery or Photo Slideshow
3rd: Sept. 30, 2019: Students embrace Spirit Week with fun outfits, Nicky Edwards-Levin, Macy Beal, Kathy Luan, Malcolm Taylor, Maria Shaughnessy
Honorable Mention: March 2, 2020: Art, music, fun abound at Art in the Dark, Peter Pu, Maria Shaughnessy, Leland Culver

Newspaper and Digital News Media Contest / March 2018 to March 2019

Best Overall Publication (Print, Digital or Hybrid)

Best Print Publication

Best News Story
2nd: Community in protest, Mira Costello and Jacob Posner

Best In-Depth News Story
1st: Community reacts: Lab’s sexual education must evolve to match student realities, Emma Trone and Jacob Posner
2nd: Fearing stereotypes, boys don’t express sexuality, Jacob Posner

Best Feature Story
1st: Inspiring inmates, Sonny Lee
2nd: Simple, easy, popular, Caledonia Abbey

Best Personality Profile
2nd: Day in, day out, junior gives back, Samira Glaeser-Khan
 Swift, silly and serious, Nikhil Patel

Best Sports News Story
3rd: Despite complaints, head guards now in use, Abigail Slimmon

Best Sports Feature Story
1st: Socializing & Sweating, Mira Costello
3rd: Maroon fans energize Roman stands, Emma Trone

Best Sports Commentary
1st: Colleges need to pay athletes for their commitment, Christian Gluth
2nd: Female athletes deserve equal recognition, Emma Trone

Best Staff Editorial
1st: Administrators: You must walk the talk, Mira Costello
2nd: At other private schools, a free student press should be the norm, Emma Trone, Priyanka Shrijay, Jacob Posner

Best Serious Commentary
1st: Gender dynamics at Lab mirror Kavanaugh case, Emma Trone
2nd: It’s OK not to know how to help with an eating disorder, Mira Costello

Best Review
1st: Obama’s memoir shows path of a woman to glory, Priyanka Shrijay
2nd: Saucy Porka fuses Asian, Latin American cuisines, Iván Beck

Best News or Feature Photo
3rd: A man with many faces, Lily Vag-Urminsky

Best Sports Photo
1st: Come sail away, Odysseas Nikas
Honorable Mention: State stunner, Michelle Husain

Best Editorial Cartoon
2nd: Administrators: You must walk the talk, Risa Cohen

Best Illustration
2nd: Sled the city, Risa Cohen

Best Infographic
Honorable Mention: Of boys at U-High, Jacob Posner and Priyanka Shrijay

Best Alternative Storytelling
1st: Hallowed Halls, Iván Beck
2nd: Seasons Streamings, Ella Beiser and Grace Zhang

Best Use of Social Media
1st: Instagram, Abigail Slimmon

Best Headline
3rd: All shapes and slices, Jacob Posner

Best Advertisement
1st: The Sitdown, Max Garfinkel

Best Single-Page Story Package
1st: Sky-high homework, Emma Trone, Grace Zhang, Priyanka Shrijay, Max Garfinkel, Ace Zhang
 Chicago choices, Priyanka Shrijay, Grace Zhang, Jacob Posner, Leland Culver, Berk Oto, Risa Cohen

Best Centerspread Story Package
1st: Not straight, not seen, Jacob Posner, Priyanka Shrijay, Audrey Matzke, Iván Beck, Ace Zhang
2nd: Blue wave, or red reaction? Emma Trone, Amanda Cassel, Mira Costello, Iván Beck, Katerina Lopez

Best Front-Page Design
3rd: 95.02, Jacob Posner
Honorable Mention: 95.06, Emma Trone

Best Overall Design
1st: 95.05, Jan. 25, 2019
2nd: 95.06, Feb. 14, 2019

Best Multimedia Story Package
2nd: Sept, 15, 2018: Spirited, whole-day event marks reopening of Jackman Field, Jacob Posner, Max Garfinkel, Nicholas Merchant

Best Video Story
1st: March 3, 2019: A look behind the scenes of Artsfest 2019, Grace Zhang
2nd: Feb. 22, 2019: Swimmer Mitch Walker will compete at state meet today, Emma Trone

Best Website
1st:, Jacob Posner, Emma Trone, Priyanka Shrijay, Nikhil Patel

Newspaper and Digital News Media Contest / March 2017 to March 2018
Best Overall Publication (Print, Digital or Hybrid)
Best Print Publication
Overall Design, second
Best News Story
1st: Leah Emanuel, “Through walkout, students show solidarity with Parkland survivors”
2nd: Michael Rubin, “Faculty union, director at odds about new policy
Best In-Depth News Story
1st: Dheven Unni, “Class Clouds”
Honorable mention: Natalie Glick, “Expert urges discomfort for teens
Best Feature Story
1st: Sam Fleming, “Cold winter, warm hearts”
Honorable mention: Emma Trone, “Is U-High worth it?”
Best Personality Profile
1st: Priyanka Shrijay, “Beauty in death: Junior taxidermies to honor creatures
2nd: Emma Trone, “Forming unexpected community”
Best Sports News Story
2nd: Samira Glaeser-Khan, “New measures to protect athletes from head injury”
3rd: Sonny Lee, “Kneel for awareness”
Best Sports Feature Story
1st: Sonny Lee, “Rising higher than fear, falling and failure”
2nd: Emma Trone, “New year, new healthful habits”
Best Sports Commentary
2nd: Michael Rubin, “Olympics should empower LGBT athletes”
2nd: Abby Slimmon, “Let’s focus on reason for taking a knee, police brutality”
Best Staff Editorial 
1st: Michael Rubin, “Making use of their ‘seat at the table’”
3rd: Natalie Glick, “Conservative students entitled to safe space, too”
Best Review
1st: Michael Rubin, “Chicago art museum showcases U.S. history”
Best News or Feature Photos
3rd: Amanda Levitt, “Not just for the rich”
Honorable mention: Teresa Xie, “Signs of support”
Best Sports Photo
1st: Sam Fleming, “Kick off”
Best Infographic
1st: Sam Fleming, “Stories behind the statistics”
2nd: Jacob Posner, “Class Clouds”
Best Alternative Storytelling
2nd: Jacob Posner and Sonny Lee, “A fresh view of U-High”
Best Use of Social Media
1st: Facebook, University of Chicago Laboratory High School
Honorable Mention: Snapchat, University of Chicago Laboratory High School
Best Headline (design)
Honorable mention: Jacob Posner, “Class Clouds”
Best Single-Page Story Package
1st: Emma Trone, Sports, “Gold and Glory at the Games”
2nd: Michael Rubin, News, “Who will lead our state?”
Best Centerspread Story Package
1st: Talia Goerge-Karron, Dheven Unni, Natalie Glick, “Stop and Listen”
2nd: Sam Fleming, “Cold Winter, Warm Hearts”
Best Photo Story
1st: Sam Fleming, “Joy in Chicago”
Best Front-Page Design
1st: Samira Glaeser-Khan, Oct. 12, 2017
2nd: Dheven Unni, March 8, 2018
Best Audio Podcast
1st: Emma Trone, Priyanka Shrijay, Michael Rubin, “Walkout”
2nd: Emma Trone, “Audio Extra — Chinese Exchange Students”
Newspaper and Digital News Media Contest / March 2016 to March 2017
Best Print Publication
U-High Midway
Best Overall Publication (Print, Digital or Hybrid)
U-High Midway
Best News Story
1st: Jacob Posner, “Lab, Woodlawn students connect”
2nd: Michael Rubin, “Affinity Clubs respond to Trump win”
Best In-Depth News Story
1st: Samira Glaeser-Khan, “Students disagree about hate speech”
2nd: Marissa Martinez, “Students of color unsure affirmative action will help them”
Best Feature Story
1st: Leah Emanuel, “Black at Lab”
2nd: Marissa Martinez, Emma Trone, “Mixed yet whole”
Best Personality Profile
1st: Sonny Lee, “Final high fives”
2nd: Sarah Pan, “For 24 years, Darnell tastes the fruits of his labors”
Best Sports News Story
1st: Dheven Unni, “Swimmers Join Volleyball Team in Breast Cancer Fight”
2nd: Clyde Schwab, “Boys Volleyball Planned to Start Spring Quarter”
Best Sports Feature Story
1st: Emma Trone, “Jameel Alausa leads team by example”
2nd: Clyde Schwab, “In off-season, athletes like training with same coach”
Best Sports Commentary
1st: Clyde Schwab, “Sport participation yields more than exercise”
2nd: Michael Rubin, “Squash team’s expansion may be harmful”
Best Staff Editorial 
1st: Alex Abbey, Free speech essential to democracy
2nd: Talia Goerge-Karron, Clubs should strive for transparency
Best Serious Commentary
1st: Priyanka Shrijay, “Obama was inclusive towards all Americans”
2nd: Natalie Glick, “After inauguration, millions march worldwide”
Best Review
1st: Michael Rubin, ‘Atlanta’ brings viewers a new perspective on life
2nd: Natalie Glick, Art reveals beauty that came from horror
Best News or Feature Photos
1st: Paige Fishman, U-High Midway (Protester)
HM: Lillian Nemeth, U-High (chalk throwing)
Best Sports Photo
1st: Bailey Garb, University of Chicago Laboratory High School, Pointed in the right direction
3rd: Teresa Xie, University of Chicago Laboratory High School, Playing to win
Best Editorial Cartoon
1st: Neena Dhanoa, Assembly
Best Illustration
1st: Emma Trone, (Mixed yet whole)
2nd: Sonny Lee, Matan Diermeier-Lazar (students on exchange)
Best Infographic
1st: Marissa Martinez (marijuana usage chart)
3rd: Sonny Lee, Emma Strone (poke review)
Best Alternative Storytelling
1st: Talia Goerge-Karron, Marissa Martinez, “Peer-to-Peer: 12 recommendations from 12th graders”
2nd: Natalie Glick, Sonny Lee, Michael Rubin, “2016 Arts Year in Review (timeline)”
Best Use of Social Media
1st: Staff, University of Chicago Laboratory High School
Best Headline (design)
1st: Emma Trone (Mixed yet whole)
HM: Natalie Glick (mixed media art)
Best Single-Page Story Package
1st: Clyde Schwab, “Disunited States of America”
2nd: Natalie Glick, Priyanka Shrijay, and Liza Edwards-Levin, “Fiction becomes reality”
Best Centerspread Story Package
1st: Marissa Martinez, Clyde Schwab & team, “Turning a new leaf”
2nd: Marissa Martinez & team, “Beyond our bubble”
Best Photo Story
2nd: Sonny Lee, “Bridgeport: Tradition to trendy”
Best Front-Page Design
1st: Talia Goerge-Karron, May 12, 2016
2nd: Talia Goerge-Karron, Clyde Schwab, Feb. 16, 2017
Best Overall Design
1st: Staff, U-High Midway
Newspaper and Digital News Media Contest / March 2014 to March 2015

Best Overall Newspaper | Division 4

Advertising: Michael Glick, second and third place

Centerspread: Grace Anderson and Michael Glick, first place; Grace Anderson, third place

Column Writing: Luke Murphy, second; Michael Glick, third

Comic Strip or Panel: Lydia Fama, first; Kat Flocke, second

Editorial Cartoon: Lydia Fama, first

Feature Writing: Michael Glick, first; Grace Anderson, Micaiah Buchheim-Jurisson and Julian Lark, second

Front Page Design: Michael Glick, second

Headline Writing: Luke Murphy, first

News Writing: Julian Lark, first; Maia Boussy, second

Overall Design: Staff, second

Review Writing: Clyde Schwab, second

Sports Writing: Alex Harron, first; Micaiah Buchheim-Jurrison, second

Editorial Writing: Staff, second

Scholastic Press Association of Chicago Feb. 20, 2023, to Feb. 16, 2024

Sweepstakes Award Winner

Overall Newspaper: U-High Midway staff, superior

Overall Website, U-High Midway staff, superior

Community Story: Katie Sasamoto-Kurisu, superior

News Story: Clare McRoberts, superior

Non-Sports Photo: Ryan Burke-Stevenson, superior

Opinion Piece or Column: Clare McRoberts, superior

Sports Feature Story: William Tan, Class of 2023, superior

Staff Editorial: Mia Lipson, superior

Original Editorial Cartoon, Drawing or Comic: Eliza Dearing, superior

Special Coverage: Audrey Park, Sahana Unni and Clare McRoberts, superior

Broadcast Feature: Clare McRoberts, excellent

General Feature Story: Audrey Park, excellent

Sports Photo: Bryce Light, excellent

Sports News Story: Jaya Alenghat, excellent

Scholastic Press Association of Chicago March 2022 to February 2023

Overall Newspaper: U-High Midway staff, superior

Community Story: Clare O’Connor, superior

General Feature Story: Amy Ren, superior

Non-Sports Photo: Malcolm Taylor (Class of 2022), superior

Opinion Piece or Column: Amy Ren, superior

Original Editorial Cartoon: Dalin Dohrn, superior

Special Coverage: Clare O’Connor, William Tan, Chloe Alexander and Amy Ren, superior

Sports Photo: Patrice Graham, superior

Audio Journalism: Caroline Hohner (Class of 2022), excellent

Entertainment Review: Erich Raumann, excellent

News Story: Audrey Park, excellent

Personality Profile: Louis Auxenfans, excellent

Sports News Story: Ethan Swinger, excellent

Sports Feature Story: William Tan, excellent

Staff Editorial: Clare O’Connor, excellent

Writing, Photo and Multimedia Contests

March 2019

Personal Column | Honorable Mention | Mira Costello

March 2018

Political Writing | Third Place | Jacob Posner

Editorial Writing | Honorable Mention | Michael Rubin

Sports Writing | Honorable Mention | Sonny Lee

Feature Writing | Honorable Mention | Priyanka Shrijay

Opinion Column | Honorable Mention | Katerina Lopez

March 2016

Editorial Writing | Honorable Mention | Elena Maestripieri

In-depth Team Reporting | Honorable Mention | Grace Anderson, Micaiah Buchheim-Jurisson, Alex Lundsgaarde, Willis Weinstein

News Writing | Honorable Mention | Elizabeth Chon

Political Writing | Honorable Mention | Julian Lark

Profile | Honorable Mention | Ariel Gans

Profile | Honorable Mention | Clyde Schwab

March 2015

Feature Writing | Honorable Mention | Clyde Schwab

News Writing | Honorable Mention | Elizabeth Chon

NFPW High School Communications Contest